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Germany - Life in Nazi Germany (The Carrot (Public Work Scheme (Everybody…
Germany - Life in Nazi Germany
The Stick
Fear, Intimidation and Controlling
Secret State Police Force
rounded up Communists, Jews and other threats to Hitler
Arrested and tortureed without cause to gain confessions
dressed like ordinary Germans
never as many members as people thought
people would inform for bribe or protection
aura of paranoia
nobody knew where they were operating
The SS
Elite Force, picked for Aryan race
did anything, but very visible presence of Hitlers power
Specialists positions and authority
ran Concentration Camps
Concentration Camps
At first used for political opponents
End of 1933, 150000 political prisoners were in the camps
Built across Germany
Prisoner clothes colour-coded, red for politicians, pink for homosexuals and yellow star of david for Jews
Nothing said against Nazi's
Controlled all media
Germans only heard what Nazi's wanted them to
The Carrot
Public Work Scheme
Everybody had a job and wage
Work and bread worth losing democracy for unemployed
Planting forests, building hospitals and schools
Public buildings like Olympic Stadium
Autobahns made work for 80000 men
Rearmament created jobs
German Labour Front
Hitlers Trade Union
Provided wages and secure work - impossible to be laid off
To get benefits, all they had to do was give Nazi's total loyalty
Allowed people to campaign for better conditions and more holiday
Made social security and leisure programmes, like regular breaks and working hours
Beauty of Work
Tried to make the workplace more attractive to workers, factories freshened up, hot meal canines and smoke free rooms
German Labour Service
Made sure everyone had employment
Greatly reduced youth unemployment, ages 16-25 worked cheaply on public works
In 1935 membership was compulsory for anyone without a job
Strength Through Joy
Provided leisure time activities
Concerts, plays, libraries, day trips and holidays
Cruise liners, Norwegian coast, 180000 people in 1938
2.3 million people in 1934 took KdF holidays, 10 million by 1938
KdF became worlds largest tourism operator of 1930's
German workers encouraged to buy savings stamps, when full, they'd exchange for Volkswagen Beetle
Nobody actually received a car, because of the war
By 1939 unemployment had fallen from 26% to less than 1% (Jews and Women didn't count)
Opposition to Hitler
The White Rose
Formed by Munich Uni Students
Leaders were siblings Sophie and Hans Scholl
Published Anti-Nazi leaflets
Quickly caught, put on trial and executed
The Edelweise Pirates
Young Germans who refuse to co-operate with Nazi state
Working class boys and girl aged 14-18 who didn't want to go to Hitler Youth
Sheltered army deserters and concentration camp escapees
Attacked Hitler Youth groups who were hiking and camping
The Meuten
Gangs with more anti-Nazi political aims (communists)
In Leipzig, the Gestapo estimated around 1500 Meuten members, between 1937 and 1939
Since they aimed to destroy Nazi control they faced more ruthless attacks by the Nazi's than other groups did
The Swing Kids
Kids who loved listening and dancing to 'un-German' swing music, blues and jazz
Nazis claimed the music was 'Black Music' therefore pollute the Aryan youth and undermine the teaching of black inferiority
Tried to wear American or English style clothes
Accepted Jews
Swing Clubs sprang up in all major cities despite persecution
No opposition was ever a threat to Hitler, though the Meuten were most feared as they were larger and had political motive
Posters, Slogans - 'work and bread', Cinema - news reel, Newspapers, Flags, Uniforms,Parades
Mass produced
Limited Range
Sold cheap
70% of households owned one, largest in the world
Main figure of propaganda
Excellent charismatic speaker
Speeches broadcast on radio + in cinema
1936 Olympic Games
Aryan master race promoted
Anti-Semetic propaganda removed
Germany presented as a united, successful, strong nation
Nuremberg Rallies
Yearly event, where Nazi's show off unity and strength
Huge military parades and mock battles
Hundreds of thousands of people attended
Concerts, Speeches
Foreigners scared about Germany's strength
Impressed Germans
Young People
Maths problems usually involved the military in an aggressive way
Chemistry lessons focused on developing chemical warfare and explosives
The education aimed to make children physically fit, to make them believe the Aryan race was superior
Subjects like history, biology and languages emphasise the importance of Germany and the German people, all others inferior
specialist schools created to train Nazi Germany's future leaders
run by the SS
students had to be true Aryans, physically fit and members of Hitler Youth
Had to spend 6 months in German Labour Service before going to Uni
Under Nazi Control
Girls weren't encouraged to go, 1933 had 18000 students, in 1939 less than 6000
Youth Organisation
Created to make next generation of Nazi's
Separate organisation for boys (prepare for military) and girls (prepare for motherhood)
'Little Fellows' from ages 6 to 8
mainly outdoor sports like hiking, rambling and camping
'German Young People' from ages 10 to 13
'Hitler Jugend' (HJ) from ages 13 to 18
Created in 1920's and by 1933 there were 100000 members
When Hitler came to power, all other organisations abolished
Hitler Youth grew to over 2 million members members by 1933 ends
Learnt military skills; marching, bayoneting, grenade throwing, trench digging, map reading, manoeuvring barbed wire and pistol shooting
In 1937 Hitler rifle school was made and around 1.5 million boys were trained with rifles and military exercises
There were tests to see if they had learnt Nazism and every boy who passed was given a dagger marked 'Blood and Honour'
'Young Maidens' from ages 10 to 14 and 'League of German Maidens' from ages 14 to 21
Taught girls how to become good mothers, housewives, house keeping, health and nutrition
Needed heathly body for child bearing
Had to be able to run 60m in 14s, throw ball 12m, complete 2hr march, swim 100m and know how to make a bed
Once grown up 'true Aryans' could win the 'Mother's Cross': bronze for having 4 children, silver for 6 and gold for 8
By 1939 Hitler Youth had 7.3 million members, making it the largest youth organisation in the world
At first it was Hitler Youth organisations were voluntary
In 1938 it became compulsory for all boys aged 15 to 18
In 1938 attendance was so poor authorities decided to make a new law
In March 1939 parents were warned they have their children placed in state-run orphanages if they didn't attend meetings
The Jews
Indoctrination and Isolation
First Attacks (1933-34)
Jews determined by bloodline
Jews were Hitler's scapegoat, said they were responsible for everything wrong in Germany
Jews were attacked quickly after Hitler elected
Jewish businesses were boycotted with brownshirts standing outside to stop Germans using them
In 1934, all Jewish shops were marked with Star of David or word 'Juden'
New laws introduced segregation on buses, trains, park benches where seats were marked specifically for Jews
Anti-semetic propaganda everywhere, film was made making Jews seem less than human
In schools, children taught to hate and persecute Jews, teachers humiliated Jewish children and ignored Jewish kids being bullied
Nuremberg Laws
All Jews lost German citizenship, so had no protection from the law
Weren't allowed official papers or passports
For Jews still in Germany life was increasingly difficult, shops wouldn't sell to them, chemists wouldn't sell medicine
Jewish emigration increased, but had to pay fine to leave
300000 of 500000 Jews left country, before emigration was halted
Organised attack on the Jews on the night of 9-10 November 1938
Ten thousand Jewish shops destroyed, homes set on fire
400 synagoges burnt down
91 Jews killed, 20000 sent to Concentration Camps
Jewish community ordered to pay 1 billion marks for all of the damage done, that they didn't even do
Nazi claimed it was a natural reaction of the German people
Later on, official orders about it were found
Concentration Camps
Millions sent
Harsh Conditions, disease and death
Labour Camps
Same as CC but for young healthy Jews to work for Nazi's
Death Camps
"it lead to the eventual death camps..."
The Final Solution
Official Genocide
Killed 6 million Jews during the war
The Churches
Saw Churches as potential obstacle
Introduced new German Faith Movement with more pagan ceremonies
Church Leaders liked the strength and moral discipline of the Nazi's
Churches appreciated his dealings with the Atheist Communism
Other Religions faced severe persecution for their open opposition
There were 28 branches to the church, so no unified approach could be achieved - Divide and Conquer
Hitler rebrands them into a new Protestant German Christian Church under Reich Bishop Ludwig Müller
Hitler bans all Protestant Youth Groups and absorbs them into HJ
Ministers in this 'new church' have to swear allegiance to Nazi's, wear Nazi Uniform
Committed Ministers refused to do this, facing CC
Some started the German Confessional Church to rival Hitler's
However, fear stopped this becoming a mass movement
Most famous opposition - Martin Niemoller, famous poem, arrested but was WW1 hero so wasn't executed, sent to CC
Less famous opponents were simply executed
CONCORDAT, agreement with the Pope that Hitler wouldn't interfere as long as the Church doesn't criticise the Nazi's
Catholic Leaders argued that it was the lesser of two evils and brought protection to the Church in Germany
Hitler soon broke agreement - Catholic Schools closed, priests sent to CC and Catholic youngsters forced into HJ
Not until 1937 did the Pope express 'concern' over Hitlers regime, sent letter to all German parish priests to be read at mass attacking Hitler as a 'mad prophet'