First, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and other technologies could be used to model and predict accessibility and mobility demands.
Second, the challenges of inadequate transport provision in both rural and urban environments need to be more fully
understood within the context of extant policies and future planning. Transportation geographers have much to offer planners and policymakers at the national and supranational scales by demonstrating empirically where and how transportation infrastructure can most productively beneft people and places
Fifth, Latin Americanist geographers with skills in GIS analysis and statistical methodologies could help improve accessibility and mobility across multiple scales by researching theoretically and empirically how transport networks might be integrated more
Sixth, researchers could examine local, regional, and national
multi-modal strategies to reveal limitations in existing networks and to provide guidance to policy makers and planners considering new networks.
we should know more about how transportation contributes to, and enhances, these spatial relationships.