Maker centered learning

Exploring the Benefits of Maker Centered Learning

developing agency

building character

maker-specific knowledge and skills

helps students develop an I-can-do-it attitude

building competence,confidence, and forming identities

develop knowledge and skill associated with specific tools and technologies

Teaching and Learning in M.C.


students as teacher

teachers as teachers

online knowledge-sourcing

tools and materials as teachers






engaging in various activities where teachers encourage teaching techniques

figuring it out


tools and materials

storage and visibility

specific and flexible spaces

should be stored in the maker-center and should be visible

Developing A Sense of Maker Empowerment


choice,intention, and action

scope:agency and the complex web of interrelated actions

participating in agentic action

Agency and Maker Empowerment

Empowerment and Social Justice

sensitivity to the design dimension of objects and systems, along with the inclination and capacity to shape one's world through building, tinkering, re/designing, or hacking

M.C.L. has many commonalities between these various settings

"the things one makes in the world have the potential to affect the lives of others"

Developing A Sensitivity To Design

Consumer Driven World

hidden mechanics

throwaway culture

difficulty taking things apart to see the interior mechanisms

limited lifespans and ever changing softwares

M.C. Teaching and Learning in Action

sensitivity to design

being attuned to the designed dimension of objects and systems, with an understanding that the designed world is malleable

the framework: looking closely-exploring complexity-finding opportunity

Tools and Techniques for supporting M.C. thinking and learning

develop thinking routines to support a sensitivity to design

think-feel-care: encourage students to imaginatively invison the roles of various stakeholders play within a system


imagine if...