Cerebrum fills the whole upper part of the brain
Parts of the cerebrum:
Parietal Lobe processes information about touch and is involved in self-awareness
Frontal Lobe voluntary muscle movements, planning, memory, impulse control
Temporal Lobe processing sound and smell; good for memory and emotion
Occipital Lobe processes visual information
Cerebral Cortex wrinkly part; outer surface of cerebrum
conscious activity and higher thoughts
Corpus Callosum links the hemispheres; allows communication between the different sides of the brain
Thalamus main relay between spinal cord and cerebrum; first one to receive messages signaling pain, pressure, temperature.
Hypothalmus control center for many sensations (special senses: pleasure, sex drive, hunger, thirst)
Cerebellum controls balance, muscle movement and coordination
Brain Stem controls reflexes and spontaneous functions
Midbrain adjusts sensitivity of the eyes and ears
Pons relay messages between spinal cord and brain
Medulla Oblongata controls heart rate and sends info to spinal cord and brain