Alp T. - Courts And The Death Penalty

What is the process for deciding if death is a punishment for crime?

Should the government be putting people to death for being involved in a crime or sending them to jail?

Should the death penalty exist? Wich other countries still use the death penalty?

What should be the age limit be to send someone to the death penalty?

What is the method of death penalty

Who is the person that decides to put someone to death?

Under the age of 18 if you committed a crime you would not be sent to a death penalty but you would have cruel and unusual punishment.

A judge will decide on the appropriate punishment during the sentencing phase of a criminal case. Sentencing for criminal offenses can range from probation and community service to prison and even the death penalty.

The death penalty is "cruel and unusual punishment." The death penalty fails to recognize that guilty people have the potential to change and learn from their lessons. At the same time, it assures the execution of some innocent people. The countries that still have the death penalty are China, Iran, North Korea, Yemen and the US.

In some states, judges are not allowed to impose the death penalty. It is up to a jury to decide whether a criminal should be sentenced to death

In my opinion, the criminal should be sent to jail because they are going to be there for longer periods of times and they will learn from their mistakes. Also because killing someone is not to a solution to a problem.

-Lethal Injection
-Gas Chamber
-Firing Squad

What is the process for deciding if death is a punishment for crime in America?

In America, after the judges review the case of the crime, the judges can affirm the conviction and sentence, reverse the conviction, or reverse the death sentence. The direct appeal for federal cases is handled by federal courts, rather than state courts. Either losing side can then petition for a right of certiorari with the U.S. Supreme Court.

What is the process for deciding if death is a punishment for crime in China?

Normal procedural requirements were replaced by summary judicial proceedings, and the Supreme Court’s final review and approval authority for the death penalty.

What was the process of death penalty in America?

In America criminals are exocuted by leathal injection, electrocution, gas chaber, firing squad and hanging.

America was the first to develop lethal injection as a method of execution

The death penalty is mostly enforced for murder and drug trafficking in China

Executions are carried out by lethal injection or shooting.

Does the person get to choose how to die?

The prisoner that is being sent to die gets to choose the method they wan to die.

What should be the age limit be to send someone to the death penalty in America?

Under the age of 18 if you committed a crime in America you would not be sent to a death penalty but you would have cruel and unusual punishments.

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