E.E. Cummings is best known for his love poems and adoration of the sonnet, but some of his works were highly experimental and included manipulation of syntax, punctuation, and stanza length to change the way his poems appeared on the page. Pieces such as "in Just-" and "Buffalo Bill's" appear garbled and random, with words running into each other without spacing and lines staggered unevenly like a drunken staircase. However, once the reader gets used to the unorthodox presentation, the content itself becomes fairly orthodox. Cummings loved traditional rhymes and slant rhymes, such as the combination of "knees" and "conceive" in his work "O sweet spontaneous" or the pairing of "apart" and "heart" in his love sonnet "i carry your heart with me (i carry it in". While this habit may have brought significant judgment from critics, it cemented Cummings as the premier go-to poet for something to read at a wedding.