Two-Bit Mathews (A.K.A. Kieth Mathews)

Physical Appearance

Actions and Words

Direct Commentary

What others say about him










Long hair (as it is said in the book that most of the greasers have long hair and are all proud of it.)

Proud of his long rust colored side burns

6 feet tall (as it is described in the book that he is tall, 6 feet tall in detail.)

Oldest of the gang (at the age of 18, not including Darry who is 20)

Heavily built (he is tough, as he can fight off four people with ease.)

Grey eyes



Threatens off other gangs without much thought when jumped.

Jumped by the socs but fought them off with a busted bottle end.

Jokes around with the gang, throwing out random jokes or remarks to the gang.

His switchblade (one of his prized possessions, he almost never uses it. Got from shoplifting)

His scar (his rust-colored scar that he got is one of his prized possessions)

High without drinking (he can get drunk without drinking, just walking around can get him drunk)

Funny in its own way (Throws out jokes and remarks whenever)

Almost always in a good mood

Dropped out of school, meaning he is not the smartest of the gang, leading to careless actions.

Every one in the gang would describes him as the joker.

The whole gang calls him the wisecracker of the gang too.

He is described as mostly always in a good mood, especially by others.

Life is all but a joke to him

Everyone says that two-bit thinks that life is one big joke.

More of the reason that life is a joke for him.


Ponyboy calls Two-Bit smart, as he can analyze a situation fast, even though he is a school drop-out.

Two-bit likes a good fight. LIKES


Blondies (directly from the book)

School. (I know right???)

Fights (as mentioned below)

A wide grin (Which he uses many times throughout the book)