Economical inequality

. But, being born into poverty does not automatically mean you stay poor.

Education, at all levels, enhancing skills, and training policies can be used alongside social assistance programs to help people out of poverty and to reduce inequality.

Is the unequal distribution of income and opportunity between different groups in society. It is a concern in almost all countries around the world and often people are trapped in poverty with little chance to climb up the social ladder..

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Corruption is the misuse of public power

Discussion of corruption is extremely difficult as it is a hidden phenomenon in our societies.

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Injustice is a quality relating to unfairness or undeserved outcomes.

The sense of injustice is a universal human feature, though the exact circumstances considered unjust can vary from culture to culture

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Harmful act or omission against the public which the State wishes to prevent and which, upon conviction, is punishable by fine, imprisonment, and/or death.

No conduct constitutes a crime unless it is declared criminal in the laws of the country. Some crimes (such as theft or criminal damage) may also be civil wrongs (torts) for which the victim(s) may claim damages in compensation.

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physical force used so as to injure, damage, or destroy; extreme roughness of action



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Free from punishment or discipline.

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The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.