<audio src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/l81ai8y7h8j5k1t/introo.mp3?dl=0" />
Thank you everyone! I'm so happy you chose to hang out with me for a few minutes. <break time=".1s" /> So, before we begin, I'll need to find out how old you are so I can choose the right Kidville room for you to enter. Please say 'six to seven, 'eight to nine', 'ten to eleven', or 'Twelve to thirteen', now.
//Eight to nine
OK. Let's play some trivia! Here's your first question. George Washington was the first President of the United States. true or False?**
WooHooo! You got it right! Ready for your next question? Half of fifty is one hundred. True or False?
No. But I can see why you would say 'true'...if you double the number fifty you get one hundred. But if you cut fifty in half you get twenty five. Here's your next question: There are eight planets in our solar system. True or False?
Yes! Great job! There are eight planets in our solar system! Let's move on to our next question. Listen to this song clip closely: <audio src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/lcbczipoqnajmob/%20National%20Anthem%28Star%20Spangled%20Banner%29With%20Waving%20Flag%28INSTRUMENTAL%29.mp3?dl=0" /> The name of that song is 'America the beautiful'. True or false?
- 2 more items...
Sorry, but there are eight planets in our solar system. Let's move on to our next question. Listen to this song clip closely: <audio src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/lcbczipoqnajmob/%20National%20Anthem%28Star%20Spangled%20Banner%29With%20Waving%20Flag%28INSTRUMENTAL%29.mp3?dl=0" /> The name of that song is 'America the beautiful'. True or false?
- 2 more items...
Good job! You must know that one hundred is the number you get if double the number fifty. If you divide the number fifty in half, you get twenty five of course! Here's your next question: There are eight planets in our solar system. True or False?
Yes! Great job! There are eight planets in our solar system! Let's move on to our next question. Listen to this song clip closely: <audio src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/lcbczipoqnajmob/%20National%20Anthem%28Star%20Spangled%20Banner%29With%20Waving%20Flag%28INSTRUMENTAL%29.mp3?dl=0" /> The name of that song is 'America the beautiful'. True or false?
- 2 more items...
Sorry, but there are eight planets in our solar system. Let's move on to our next question. Listen to this song clip closely: <audio src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/lcbczipoqnajmob/%20National%20Anthem%28Star%20Spangled%20Banner%29With%20Waving%20Flag%28INSTRUMENTAL%29.mp3?dl=0" /> The name of that song is 'America the beautiful'. True or false?
- 2 more items...
Oops! You got that wrong. George Washington was the first President of the United States. Ready for your next question? Half of fifty is one hundred. True or False?
No. But I can see why you would say 'true'. If you double the number fifty you get one hundred. But if you cut fifty in half you get twenty five.
Yes! Great job! There are eight planets in our solar system! Let's move on to our next question. Listen to this song clip closely: <audio src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/lcbczipoqnajmob/%20National%20Anthem%28Star%20Spangled%20Banner%29With%20Waving%20Flag%28INSTRUMENTAL%29.mp3?dl=0" /> The name of that song is 'America the beautiful'. True or false?
- 2 more items...
Sorry, but there are eight planets in our solar system. Let's move on to our next question. Listen to this song clip closely: <audio src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/lcbczipoqnajmob/%20National%20Anthem%28Star%20Spangled%20Banner%29With%20Waving%20Flag%28INSTRUMENTAL%29.mp3?dl=0" /> The name of that song is 'America the beautiful'. True or false?
- 2 more items...
Good job! You must know that one hundred is the number you get if double the number fifty. If you divide the number fifty in half, you get twenty five of course!
Yes! Great job! There are eight planets in our solar system! Let's move on to our next question. Listen to this song clip closely: <audio src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/lcbczipoqnajmob/%20National%20Anthem%28Star%20Spangled%20Banner%29With%20Waving%20Flag%28INSTRUMENTAL%29.mp3?dl=0" /> The name of that song is 'America the beautiful'. True or false?
- 2 more items...
Sorry, but there are eight planets in our solar system. Let's move on to our next question. Listen to this song clip closely: <audio src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/lcbczipoqnajmob/%20National%20Anthem%28Star%20Spangled%20Banner%29With%20Waving%20Flag%28INSTRUMENTAL%29.mp3?dl=0" /> The name of that song is 'America the beautiful'. True or false?
- 2 more items...
//six to seven
So you're are six or seven year's old huh? Boy oh boy did I love being that age. I think I was in first, no, second grade with all the other bots. <break time=".1s" />I remember there was this one kid, Adam. <break time=".1s" />He was always picking his bot nose and wiping his disgusting bot boogers all over the place. <audio src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/b57z90ts8tsk3ss/eeww.mp3?dl=0" /> <break time=".3s" /> Sorry...that was probably TMEye on my part. <break time=".1s" /> Anyway, it's so good to have you here! <break time=".1s" />
So...what do you feel like doing today?<break time=".1s" />
We can do some trivia <break time=".1s" /> or we can do a madlib <break time=".1s" /> or I could tell you a few jokes
Just say 'trivia' <break time=".1s" /> 'Madlib <break time=".1s" /> or 'Jokes' now'
another one?
Ok. Let's move on to trivia! #