Topics 1-3
(Topic 4 already covered)

Topic 1: Generalize Place Value Understanding

Topic 3: Multiply by 1-Digit Numbers

Topic 2: Fluently Add & Subtract Multi-Digit Whole Numbers

represent multi-digit
whole numbers

standard form

word form

expanded form

place value periods

Place value

ones, tens, hundreds, thousands - 10x bigger
(blocks, worksheet, how many do I need? __ groups of)

compare numbers

which place value did we use to determine?


Properties of Addition




estimate sums and differences


which estimate is closer to the actual answer?

Standard Algorithm of Addition

check your answer to see if its reasonable

variables to represent unknown answer

Standard Algorithm of Subtraction

subtract across zeroes

Multiply by multiples of
10, 100, and 1000

Associative Property
of Multiplication

Estimate products with rounding (1-digit times up to 4-digit)

Distributive Property and Area Model

Mental Math Strategies

commutative property of
multiplication (reordering)

distributive property
1-digit by multi-digit

Arrays & Partial Products
3x245 (3x5, 3x40, 3x200)

standard algorithm
1-digit by multi-digit