Relationship Stages 9.2
Stage 1: Contact
Stage 2: Involvement- be connected
Stage 3: Intimacy- can be open about talking about myself
Stage 4: Repair
Stage 5: Deterioration (reserved stage)
Stage 6: Dissolution- cutting of bonds that tie each other together
First perceptual contact
Second interactional contact
(and sometimes)
physical and mental appearance is especially important at this time
texting frequents
may follow eachother on social media websites
I start to reveal myself in this stage
Ask questions like: What are you majoring in? What is your favorite hobbies?
Breadth: how many topics my partner and I talk about
Depth: the degree to which I talk about my core to my partner
Social Penetration Theory- breadth
Depenetration: breadth
weakening of bods between the parties in the relationship
first phase: intrapersonal dissatisfaction
second phase: interpersonal deterioration
text infrequently
fewer face-to-face meetings
first phase: intrapersonal repair (what went wrong and consider ways to resolve)
second phase: negotiating new agreements and behaviors
Strategies for Repairing Relationship
in conflict resolution
affirm each other
Suggestions for "Dealing With It"
seek support of others
AVOID repeating negative problems
Stage Movement: Explaining the Arrows
exit arrow- opportunity to exit relationship
vertical arrows- you can move to another stage by skipping, moving forward or going back
self-reflexive arrows- signify that any relationship may become stabilized at any point
Relationship Turning points
Relationship Commitment-one's degree to be committed to the other
Relationship Politeness- obviously varies with relationship stage
Intimacy stage- should have politeness
During deterioration and dissolution stages- less likely to be concerned with politness
may even be