==Whiskers? Whiskers? <break time="0.4s" /> Is that a faint meow I hear? It's coming from under the neighbor's car parked there on the driveway. Say under the car to look there.
==The neighbor's dog is barking wildly at us from inside their house. Whiskers is scared of him. She wouldn't be over here. Ready to look somewhere else?
==I don't see Whiskers here, but there's a hole in the fence by the back yard. Say by the fence to look. If you don't want to look there, say no.
==The neighbor, Mr. Boyd, comes out to say he thinks he saw Whiskers run to the tree when his dog barked. Say in the tree to look there. If you don't want to look there, say no.
==Whiskers isn't over here. Do you want to come hang some signs around the neighborhood with me? If so, say hang signs. If not, say look more.
//hang signs
==Call Whiskers, <break time="0.2s" />maybe she will hear you.
==Here, shake this bag of her favorite treats. She always comes running when I do that. Call out <break time="0.4s" /> treats!
loudly while you shake them.
==I hope someone sees the signs and calls us. Say check phone to see if anyone has left us a message yet.
==Great, we've hung a bunch of signs. Should we go back and look some more now?
//treats, shake
==Maybe she doesn't hear us. She could have gone home. Should we go back to the yard now?
==Oh! She heard that! Here she comes! Say come here, Whiskers and she'll come to you.
==I guess she isn't near here. Should we go back to the yard?
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//check phone
==We got a text! It's from my neighbor, Mr. Boyd. He has Whiskers! Say let's go to go get her from him.
==No messages yet. While we're waiting, should we check the yard again, in case she went back there?
==Nothing yet. She might have gone back home. Should we go back there?
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==What was that? Oh, just the wind. Should we go back to the yard?
==There she is about two houses away! Let's run quietly so we don't spook her. Say run <break time="0.2s" /> to get to her.
==Maybe she went back home. Should we go back to the yard now?
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