Is the location for one of the Seven Wonders of the World - The Great Pyraminds
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Archaic (Early Dynastic) Period (c. 3100-2686 B.C.) King Menes founded the capital of ancient Egypt at White Walls (later known as Memphis), in the north, near the apex of the Nile River delta. The capital would grow into a great metropolis that dominated Egyptian society during the Old Kingdom period.
Egypt was founded in 1953!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who founded Egypt?
How did Egypt begin ?
The dynastic period started with the reign of Egypt's first king, Narmer, in approximately 3100 BCE, and ended with the death of Cleopatra VII in 30 BCE. During this long period there were times of strong centalised rule, and periods of much weaker, divided rule, but basically Egypt remained one, independent land.
When did Egypt start ?
June 18, 1953
What happened before Ancient Egypt ?
This Greek Ptolemaic Kingdom ruled Egypt until 30 BC, when, under Cleopatra, it fell to the Roman Empire and became a Roman province. The success of ancient Egyptian civilization came partly from its ability to adapt to the conditions of the Nile River valley for agriculture.
What is the geography of Egypt?
The geography of Egypt relates to two regions: North Africa and Southwest Asia. Egypt has coastlines on both the Mediterranean Sea, the River Nile and the Red Sea. Egypt borders Libya to the west, the Gaza Strip and Israel to the northeast, and Sudan to the south. The geography of ancient Egypt was dominated, as is today, by the combination of lack of rainfall and the Nile River. The Greek historian Herodotus called Egypt the "gift of the Nile", since the kingdom owed its survival to the annual flooding of the Nile and the resulting depositing of fertile stilts
Egypt, lies at the northeast corner of Africa at the junction of four biogeographical regions, Irano-Turanian, Mediterranean, Saharo-Sindian and Afrotropical. At the same time it is at the center of the great Saharo-Sindian desert belt that runs from Morocco on the northwest corner of Africa to the high, cold deserts of central Asia. Egypt is bounded on the north and east by two largely enclosed seas, the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. This unique position is enhanced by the circumstance that it is divided by the Nile, the longest river in the world. Most of Egypt is either arid or hyper arid; however, due to its very varied eco-zones, the country is home to a wide diversity of terrestrial habitats and a fauna and flora, which although relatively low in species numbers and with few endemics, is extremely varied in composition.
Egypt has been traversed by migratory peoples since time immemorial, some of them have settled in this ancient land. Having authentic and varied cultures, each group has influenced the landscape in its own distinctive way. Their indigenous knowledge and traditions constitute an important portion of Egypt's cultural heritage, which is largely eclipsed by the wonders of Ancient Egypt and its grand tombs, pyramids and temples. These cultures are also threatened by the intrusion of modern civilization. Promoting the welfare of these people not only conserves their unique knowledge and culture but also leads to the conservation of nature.
Ecosystems and habitats must be maintained to safeguard species. Species must be protected in order to conserve ecosystems and habitats. In Egypt, the fairly low number of species and the relatively large number of eco-zones and habitats makes the preservation of both especially important.
Ancient Egyptians Kept Baboons and Other Monkeys as Pets and for Ritual Significance
There Were Way More Pyramids Than People Realize
Not Everyone in Ancient Egypt was Elaborately Mummified
Importance for Egyptians
The Egyptians believed that joy and happiness were legitimate goals of life and regarded home and family as the major source of delight.” Because of this belief, women enjoyed a higher prestige in Egypt than in any other culture of the ancient world.
The culture of Egypt has thousands of years of recorded history. Ancient Egypt was among the earliest civilizations in Africa. For millennia, Egypt maintained a strikingly unique, complex and stable culture that influenced later cultures of Europe.
It is the largest and oldest of the original 7 wonders of the *ancient world