Earthquake types
Strike Slip
Secure Items down
Take cover under things when theres and earthquake
Protect pets 😃
Wait for emergency responders to try to lift fallen items off of you
Turn off gas and water lines
Stay away from windows as broken class may hurt you
Stay away from buildings and trees
Let emergency responders handle victims and call an emergency number if you see a hurt person
Do not call an emergency service if no one is hurt or needs medical attention
Stay in the open even if the earthquake has stopped
Move away from dangers wires such as electric wires and service wires
Stay where you are even after the earthquake has stopped
Wasatch's fault type is a Strike-Slip fault
Ground shaking
Ground splitting
Buildings falling or parts breaking off buildings
Trees falling on top of things
Take cover under large objects
Evacuate after shaking has stopped
Don't go in after other students, let teachers or emergency responders deal with that
Ground Liquefaction