4) Insulins
Prototypes: ① short acting - insulin R (regular), insulin aspart insulin lispro, insulin glulisine; ② intermediate acting - neutral protamine Hagedorn (NPH) insulin, insulin lente; ③ long acting - insulin ultra-lente, insulin glargine (AKA brand Lantus), insulin protamine zinc, insulin detemir
MOA: ①↑ glucose uptake by cells via GLUT4 (muscle and adipose) ②↑glycogen synthesis, ↓glycogenolysis (muscle and liver) ③↓gluconeogenesis (liver) ④↑amino acid uptake, ↑protein synthesis (muscle) ⑤↑TG synthesis ↓lipolysis (adipose); ⑥binds IGF-1 receptor for growth promoting effect
PK: Insulin is a peptide∴cannot take po, usually sc
① short acting: 10-15min onset, 1-2hr peak, 3-6.5hr duration
② intermediate acting: 1-3hr onset, 5-8hr peak, ≤18hr duration
③ long acting: 1.5-6hr onset, 16-20hr peak, 24-30hr duration
but considerable inter-individual variability and unpredictability in the time to peak hypoglycaemic effect. slower onset=slower absoprtion=larger crystal size
Indication: T1DM, T2DM
Contraindications: None of major sig
Sfx: Hypoglycaemia; lipidystrophy (localized atrophy of sc fat or enlargement (lipoatrophy or lipohypertrophy); edema (Na retention)
NB: 1 unit of insulin = amount required to lower blood glucose to 2.5mM in a fasting rabbit (from historical); most preparations 25-30units/mg, supplied in concentrations of 100units/mL=3.6mg/mL