Improving Everyday Conversations
Small Talk
Introducing People
Small talk is pervasive. It is something that everyone starts out to lead into big talk or simply to avoid big talk.
I could create more effective small talk with people if I would just be positive about it.
People can improve their small talk skills by talking in short sequences, answering questions with enough elaboration, or even talking about noncontroversial topics.
In the relationship, people do not try to deepen the relationship besides just keeping it small talk.
Small talk can be better if both people talked about their similarities and not their differences.
It is important to do such a task briefly, but successfully enough to put context about the person.
The best gesture in the United States for meeting new people is the general hand shake.
It is always important to remember someone's name, but if you forget be honest with them.
I would be improving my introduction skills by introducing the person of lower rank to the person of upper rank due to different ranking levels.
The most important thing to know about introducing people is you do not have to tell them their relationships to you.
An apology is an expression of regret or sorrow for having done something or something happened.
The apology will typically be followed up with a request for forgiveness.
Admitting wrongdoing, being apologetic, avoiding excuses, and empathizing are all different ways that people can improve on their apologizing skills.
I would be improving my apologizing skills if I was specific about the topic to which I was sorry about.
Make sure when you apologize to someone it is in the right way, not through text or email, but actually in person.
It is important to assure the other person that the mistake that was made will never happen again.
A compliment is a message of praise, flattery, or congratulations. Whereas a backhanded compliment is when you give a compliment about something to insult something else.
The best ways to give better compliments are to be specific, be totally complimentary, do it in moderation, as well as being honest.
If I was to tell a girl how beautiful she is, I would make sure that I was being honest and real with her.
Do not add extra things to the compliment, leave the compliment as it is and wait for her reaction.
The important thing about a compliment is that it is specific to the person and about a quality.
People can receive compliments in one of two ways, they will be accepting of the compliment or deny it and be like oh whatever.
Advice is the process of giving another person a suggestion for thinking or behaving, usually to change his or her thinking or ways of behaving.
Meta-advice is advice that is given about advice. An example would be telling the individual to seek advice.
The best way to give advice would be to listen, avoid should statements, be tentative, empathize, and keeping the interaction confidential.
I would be improving my advising skills if I made sure that after I gave advice that my patient would understand fully.
The best way to respond to advice would be to accept the advice, avoid negative responses, interact with the advice, and express appreciation.