Other Connections

Curriculum Priorities

General Capabilities

Intercultural Capability

Impact of culture on food choices

Ethical Capability

Learning Areas

Physical Education



Health and Human Development


Impact of food systems on sedentary behaviour

Patterns of eating, social factors influencing food accessibility, food choice and healthy eating

Psychological responses to food and food marketing

Patterns of eating, body image, dieting

Role media on food information and choice

Recommendations for healthy eating

Practices and Policies

Critical Inquiry and Health Literacy

Developing Students Strengths

Cross Curriculum Priorites

Study Content

Unit 3, AOS 1

Unit 4

Unit 2, AOS 1


Unit 1, AOS 1

Impact of culture on food choices

Impact of media on food choices

Creation and utilisation of healthy diets

Food systems and behaviours


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures

Asia and Australia's Engagement with Asia

Social factors influencing food accessibility, food choice and healthy eating

Social factors influencing food accessibility, food choice and healthy eating

Trends and patterns in eating

Critical and Creative Thinking

Impact of media on food choices


Problem Solving

Strong Work Ethic



Able to analyse the role and impact of media on food information and food choices

During discussions, videos, podcasts, etc.

Methods to prevent issues such as overconsumption of food and sedentary behaviour

Learning of required knowledge before being implemented through practical activities

Means of learning and representing information

Analyse the role of media in shaping food information and influencing food choice

Explain and analyse links between food, behaviours and effects on health

Explain principles behind establishing healthy meal patterns in families

Use equipment and techniques appropriately, apply principles of safe and hygienic food handling practices and demonstrate organisational and technical skills in relation to the preparation, cooking and presentation of healthy household meals in a range of practical activities

Explain social and emotional roles of food and analyse behaviours and explain consequences relating to the psychology of food

Apply practical food skills to demonstrate development of a repertoire of household meals

Analyse recent changes and current trends in food behaviours and analyse social factors that may influence healthy eating


Use of food-, health- and wellbeing-related terminology and language


Exposure to theories and food-related language


Establishment of healthy diets in children and nutritious meal patterns at home


Influence of income on food accessibility, food choice and healthy eating