
Friends :

Bradbury School friends (My old school) - Some of my friends went to different schools so I will never see them again, so they are now just memories. Still, they laughed and talked with me and helped me overcome sadness.

Friends outside of school (People who I have met in my primary school, or just somehow made friends.



(My house) Bahay!!

Family Bauhinia

My Year group (Yr 7)

Chum Hong Kok

My tutor group (7B1) - some of them aren't in my classes, but I can still see them every day. They are still my friends, but maybe not as close as others.

Close Relatives (Parents, siblings, etc.)
They are the people who support me and never make me fell unwelcome.

Distant Relatives (Cousins, Aunts, Uncles, etc.) They are the people who are still nice, and I always love to see them, but I still feel a bit awkward near them.

The people who I live near (People in my building, etc.) I don't know them - we are mostly individuals who have their own lives and minds.

The people who I don't live as near, but still live in Chum Honk Kok.

Bradbury School (Primary)

SIS Friends

Social Media

Youtube - watching new people, watching videos out of curiousity, etc. Sometimes I watch things like tutorials to help me do something or do something better, which

E-Mail - I always e-mail and message my friends, chat in groups online, and ask them about things I'm not sure about. When we are far away from each other and I want to talk with someone, it is really helpful because then I can talk or ask them an urgent question from a long distance.

Drama - It is my favourite subject because I can really connect with my friends and learn about Drama too. A part of it is also writing, which is connected to English - my second favourite subject.

Friends I have met in other countries (On holiday and things like that)

In my classes

In my tutor group

On the bus

My closest friends. (Jaslyn, Kristie, Sophie, Izzy etc.) They are the ones that I can hang out with everyday, and sometimes, when I have to, get something out of my chest. They are the people who I can have fun with and go to when I need help.

Students ( EVERY student in SIS)

Adults (Only the ones that I really connect with and generally like. EX: Parent's friends, teachers, etc.)



Music is a major hobby because I practice my musical instrument (electric guitar)every day in my room, and love listening to it too. My mum actually told me that I knew a lot of songs that most kids didn't know because I learned them on my electric guitar.

I love reading because it transports me to a different world of imagination (or reality) and sometimes helps me get away from my troubles. I love reading, and think that it is a big part of my life. I want to become an author when I grow up and the reason might be because I love reading. (I'm not the best at writing, but I still love to do it - you can't quit something if you're passionate about it!

I love listening to music (even if it isn't the latest or the most popular) and just sometimes want to do some work in my room with a bit of music.

I have performed twice before (with my brother) and it felt amazing but terrifying. I think now I am not as good as I was before, but hopefully I can get my mojo back :D

I have actually made a part of a book myself (Just in case you would like to know)