"The train finally begins to slow and suddenly bright lights floods the compartment. We can't help it. Both Peeta and I run to the window to see what we've only seen on the television, the Capitol, the ruling city of Panem. The cameras haven't lied about its Grandeur. If anything, they have not quite captured from magnificence of the glistening building in a rainbow of hues that tower into the air, the shining cars that rolled down the wide paved streets, the oddly dressed people with bizarre hair and painted faces who have never missed a meal. All the colors seem artificial, the pinks too deep, the greens too bright, the yellows painful to the eyes, like the flat round disks of hard candy we can never afford to buy at the tiny sweet shop in District 12." p.59
These adjectives that are describing the Capitol is very beautiful. It shows like it looked very beautiful on TV but is really beautiful. Also, many people think it is one of the pretty sights to look at so all the main characters who are Peeta and Katniss were very delighted as they saw the big view.