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R&P 1 - CHRISTIAN PRACTICES (Christian Persecution (Identify with…
Christian Persecution
Identify with Christ's suffering
Inspire others by their calm assurance and belief in eternal life.
Can develop their faith & strengthen their convictions
Open Doors - provide Bibles to Christians in countries where hard to obtain e.g.. China
Jesus "
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
." Matthew - turn the other cheek
Persecution/abuse - murder, torture, kidnapping
5 countries most dangerous for Christians - Sudan,Pakistan, AfghanistanSomalia, North Korea
Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) - legal advocacy, moral support & prayer
Maryam Rostampour - imprisoned in Iran for spreading Christianity - tortured
Church - legal advocacy, prayer & mental support
Places - Holy Land/Jerusalem, Rome - Vatican, Canterbury Cathedral, shrines of famous saints, remote place to reflect
Role & importance
time of need cure for illness/depression
time of disconnection from God - to grow closer to God & strengthen faith
express sorrow for sin & be forgiven
pray for something special or thank God for a blessing
help other pilgrims who are disabled or ill
experience a holy place
Journey both physical/spiritual by believer to holy site for religious reasons, is itself an act of worship/devotion e.g. Holy Land/Jersusalem, shrines of famous saints, remote places to reflect.
SW France
1858 Bernadette had visions of Mary in cave near river
Dedicated to Mary, J's mum
Mary told B to dig for spring of water later discovered to have healing properties
Claimed 67 miracles/over 6000 cures taken place
6AD St Columbia brought Christianity to Scotland & established 1st monastery there
Thin place
" close to heaven believe veil between heaven & Earth thin there
Island off west coast of Scotland
Iona community lead 7 mile hike to holy & historic spots
= Conversation with God, silent or out loud, set words, person's own words, thanksgiving, confession, requests for help or guidance
Christians believe God will answer payer but not always how would like e.g.. Garden of Gethsemane - God gave strength to J to take on sins of world & die on cross not escape
Set prayers - written down & said more than once
Lord's Prayer - taught to the disciples by Jesus
Informal Prayer - made up by individual
Nonconformist - English Protestant who doesn't conform to doctrines or practices of Church of England
Closer to God through prayer?
God is beyond our understanding so can understand him through prayer
Personal & communal connection
Lord's Prayer given to us by Jesus
If prayer answered e.g.. Hannah having baby Samuel
Pilgrimage more tangible way to understand God
Bible may be more reliable guide
Can understand God through understanding nature
Prayer may not be answered & so lose faith e.g.. child dies
May not answer like you want eg. Gethsemane e.g.. "
Not as I will, but as you will"
Taking action more important e.g.. James - "
faith without works, is dead.
Church Community Work
Trussell Trust
Founded in 1997 for food banks to provide emergency food
Non-perishable food donated to food banks by churches,supermarkets schools etc & sorted by volunteers. Drs/social workers give people food vouchers
Matthew "
For I was hungry & you gave me something to eat
Oasis Project
Plymouth Methodist Mission Circuit
Community hub with internet cafe, creative courses, job club, meetings, food bank with paid staff & volunteers - spiritual & practical support.
Role of Church
Building plus major source of social services e.g.. schooling/medical care, inspiration for art & culture, justice . Modern - projects such as food banks.
Church = assembly of Christian people/building in which Christians worship
James "
Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead"
Salvation Army, CAP, Street Pastors , Parish Nursing
Types - Prayer, meditation, Bible readings, singing, preaching, sharing food, pilgrimage, festivals, art, music or drama
Connected to "worth" - recognise someone's importance & value
Formal ritual based around the sacraments, particularly Holy Communion e.g.. Church of England, Roman Catholics, Orthodox Christians
No set form & often not Holy communion, Bible readings, sermon, music & payers - structured or spontaneous e.g. Quaker, Sal Army, C Science, Baptists,
Type of non-liturgical, spontaneous or charismatic in nature e.g.. Quaker, Pentecostal - led by Spirit
Believer praises or honours God on his or her own
Could involve friends or family, prayer, meditation, rosary.
= how Christian show love/respect for God, give thanks, ask forgiveness & understand his will
Holy Communion (Eucharist)
Also called Mass, Lord's Supper, Breaking of Bread, Divine Liturgy
1) Catholics, Orthodox Christians, some Anglicans believe bread & wine actually become body & blood of Christ - divine mystery but believe Jesus present in the bread & wine & they are present in his death & resurrection by taking Holy Communion. Use wafers & HC wine.
Service of thanksgiving in which sacrificial death & resurrection of Jesus celebrated using bread & wine
1) "
Take this bread & eat it. It is my body.
" "
Each one of you drink some of it. This wine is my blood
2) Protestant Christians/Non-conformist celebrate HC as reminder of J's words & actions at Last Supper. Bread & wine symbols of J's sacrifice & help them to reflect on meaning of J's death & resurrection for their lives today. Use normal wine & bread.
2) "
This cup is the new covenant in my blood: do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me
Mission & Evangelism
Missionary - person sent on religious mission in a foreign country through preaching or charitable work
Evangelism - spreading the Christian gospel by public preaching or personal witness
Mission - vocation or calling of religious organisation or individual to go out & spread their faith
Events that spread Christianity
Alpha Course - 1977 to help church members understand basics but spread across world.
Jim Elliot's Mission - killed in Ecuador and Life magazine published article about his death so more missionaries came.
Pentecost - disciples received Holy Spirit & given gifts necessary to carry out Great Commission
The Great Commission - Jesus "
Go & make disciples of all nations...teaching them to obey everything I have told you."
Christianity Around The World
Christ for All Nations (CfaN) - 1974 by Pentecostal minister - went to Africa & held evangelistic meetings - 55 million followers in Africa, others USA, Canada, Germany , UK, Australia & Hong Kong
Reconciliation - sacrament in Catholic Church/restoring harmony after broken relationship e.g.. Corrymeela Community in Ireland - residential centre for different religions to promote peace building & understanding
CAFOD - aid agency of Catholics in England & wales - access to clean water, education, healthcare, improve working conditions in 'Africa, Asia, South America & middle East
Decline in Europe due to free choice, science & evolution taught in schools.
Rapidly growing in Africa, Asia, south America
0.5/2.5 billion
Christian Aid - 1945 - group of 41 Church denominations - to stop poverty & provide emergency relief in Africa, Asia, Middle East, South America & Caribbean.
Tear fund - Evangelical Alliance Relief Fund - 1968 after famine in Nigeria and UK churches wanted to help. Fights poverty in 50 countries around the world.
Convert = someone who changes their faith and commits to another religion
God TV - international Christian media network started in UK in 1995
Protestant - protested against some Catholic practices - agree Bible only authority for Christians
Believers' Baptism
- initiation into Church by immersion in water, when old enough to understand ceremony
Baptism - ritual through which become member of Church - water used as symbol of washing away sin
Infant Baptism
- babies & young children become members of Church, promises taken on by adults, freed from sin & introduced to love of God
- Holy rites & rituals through which believer receives gift of grace e.g.. Catholics, Anglicans & Protestants - marriage, Baptism, bread & wine, Holy Orders, Confession, Confirmation, Annointed/Annointment
Jesus baptised by John of Jordao - John the Baptist
By remembering events of J's life through year Christians reflect on main teaching that God gave Son to save them
Lasts 12 days ending with feast of Epiphany
25/12 in GB
Celebrate Incarnation of J = God became human in Jesus
Trees & homes decorated with lights & nativity scenes
Carol services/Bible readings/Midnight Mass on Xmas Eve
Cards, presents & give to charity - season of "peace and goodwill"
Whole year - Advent-
& Epiphany, Lent,
& Pentecost
Most important as celebrates resurrection of Jesus
Week leading upto Easter (Holy Week) remember events leading to cross
Good Friday - crucified & laid in tomb - processions in streets led by person carrying cross
Sat - Orthodox walk around church at midnight on Sat and enter darkened church with candles symbolising entering empty tomb. Catholics & Anglicans have Sat might vigil beginning in darkness, lighting candle and then HC.
Easter Sunday (Easter Day) churches filled with flowers & special hymns sung celebrating resurrection.
Ends with feast of Pentecost.
Christian calendar - 2 main seasons = Xmas/Easter
Help Christians remember major events in their religion/plan public worship
A day or period of celebration for religious reasons