Unit 3: Westward Expansion

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Native Americans


Manifest Destiny:

Values of American people

Westward expansion through Agrarian America

America's destiny

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Indian Removal Act:

Passed by president Andrew Jackson

Series of Treaties that moved the Native Americans further west

Tribes who did not leave, were forced to leave by the US army.

*Consequences: Forever divides Natives and US, leads to war and Trail Of Tears

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The Plain Wars:

Sand Creek Massacre

Red River War

Battle of a Little Big Horn

Wounded Knee


Annexation Of Texas

Texas declared independance from Mexico

Texas and the US agreed to make Texas the 28th state in 1845

Keeping slavery was must

Mexican-American War

Mexico attacked American troops along the Rio Grande

Mexican president (Santa Anna) tells US president (Polk) he will end the war peacefully

Mex attacks US army behind their back

Mex loses, they lost land

Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo 1848

Officially ends Mexican-American War

New Mexico and California are given to US

Gadsden Purchase

Bought for $10 million

Wanted for railroads

Brought to America by the British in the 16th century

12.5 million were brought

10.5 million survived in the trip 'The Middle Passage'

Only 400,000 were sent to American colonies

Early America was on Agrarian society (dependant on slaves)

New tech changed America

Missouri Compromise 1820

Agreements passed by congress that keeps the balance of the slave states and free states

Draws a line through Louisiana Territory

Social Reform

Textile workers; children 13-18

Woman; make $267 a year

Labor Unions

Protect workers

Provided better working conditions

Provided better pay

Congress passed 8 hour work day in 1868