Emotional and The Principles of Emotions and Emotional Messages

Emotional Arousal Is a Multi-Step Process


Cognitive labeling theory

James-Lange theory

(1) An event occurs

(2) You experience an emotion

(3) You respond physiologically

(1) An event occurs

(2) You respond physiologically

(3) You experience an emotion

(1) An event occurs

(2) You respond physiologically

(3) You interpret this arousal; you decide what emotion you're experiencing

(4) You experience an emotion

Emotions May Be Primary or Blended

Primary Emotion: the similarities among emotions/ There are eight basic emotions: joy, trust, fear, surprise, sadness, disgust, anger, and anticipation. Emotions that are close to each other on this wheel are also close to each other in meaning. Emotions that are opposite each other on the wheel are also opposite each other in their meaning

Blended Emotion: Emotions that are combinations of the primary emotions. These are noted outside the emotion wheel

Emotions involve both Body and Mind

The Body: Bodily reactions are the most obvious aspect of our emotional experience because we can observe them easily

The mind: The mental or cognitive part of emotional experience involves the evaluations and interpretations you make on the basis of what you experience

Emotions are Influenced by a Variety of Factors

Culture: The culture context gives you a framework for both expressing feelings and interpreting the emotions of others

Gender: Men and Women experience emotions similarly. The differences are in the way emotions are expressed, not in the way they are felt.

Relationships: can help to reduce tress

Personality: Your personality will influence the emotions you'll feel, the extent to which you'll feel them, and, perhaps most important for your purposes, the ways in which you'll express or conceal these emotions

gender display rules: Men and Women have differences for what is and what isn't appropriate to express

Emotions May Be Adaptive and Maladaptive: Emotions are often adaptive and help you adjust to a situation. At other times, emotions may be maladaptive and may get in the way of your accomplishing your goals

Emotional Expression Uses Multiple Channels: As with most meanings, emotions are encoded both verbally and nonverbally

Such as your words

The gestures

The facial expressions

The emoticon/the Japanese emoji

Emotional Expression Is Governed by Display Rules

Display Rules govern which emotions are permissible and which are not permissible to communicate

Emotion work: refers to the conscious process you go through to bring your emotions and your emotional expression into a form that is accepted and appropriate to your interpersonal relationship

Emotion labor: on the other hand, refers to the same process of managing and controlling your emotions but in a public setting and you get paid for it

Emotions Can Be Used Strategically: in strategic emotionality, emotions are used for one's personal ends. Such emotions can take a variety of forms and serve a variety of purposes. But the basic idea behind strategic emotionality is controlling a situation or another person

Emotions Have Consequences: Emotions and emotional expression have consequences and affect your relationships in important ways. By revealing your emotions, you may create close bonds with others, or also scare people with too much, and too intimate, disclosure

Emotions are Contagious: Emotional Messages are often contagious. Emotions pass easily from one person to another; women are especially prone to emotional contagion

2. You mimic this emotional expression, perhaps unconsciously

3. The feedback you get from your expressions recalls the feelings you had when you last expressed yourself in this way, and this recall creates your current feelings

1. You perceive the emotional expression of others