Towards Sustainable Urban-ism: A lesson from The "Wall" System

1 History of the Walled City. How did it end up in anarchist model and became an organic mega-structure?

2 THE PROGRM OF THE CITY - movement, interaction and transformation How did the city work? Build in no order, unlike the informal structure that we, architects, design today. It gives us a lesson on the nature of being. We need to think about how this chaotic system can be apply into our design to fit what people need? Do we still design the form or we design steps for people to build their own cities? #

The narrow alleyways

Buildings ('sold' and 'rent' like squatter's right)

Stairs, corridor (The interconnected network. How they extended autonomously when a new building was established? How the buildings sharing same stairs?)

The chaos inside (spaces had multiple uses)

The Wall. (People were set free inside.)

6 Case Study on informal structure/ cities

Fix Structure but expandable Space

Fixed Structure and fixed dwelling, but replaceable and expandable structure

Fixed structure and fixed dwelling, but self- built

Bogota, Columbia

Plug- in City

Elemental's " incremental" housing (Quinta Monroy) / Monterrey Housing in Mexico/ Alejandro Aravena

Highway in the West Harlem- fairway insertion

Walter Segal, Self- Build Project

Akiko's self build project

Nakagin Capsule Tower


Fixed Structure, open Spece

The verticle slum: Torre David

Le Corbusie, Domino Hows

4 Towards new direction for architectural strategies

5 Evolution of the social norms. What is the position of architects?

3 Space, Time and Architecture -
Refection on tradition architectural strategies on city planning
(Adaptability/ Over- determination/ Focusing on form)

1) Against Design base on Form -> Movement of Deconstructionism: " Disorder of dream of purity of form" and "disorder of thinking about form"* . The designs focus mainly on the meaning of element, such as walls, colums

2) Improve Adaptability -> Movement of Metabolism

3) Self- generated

The Growth

Rem Koolhass " to re-establish the architect in the position of subject in a history of which he had been dispossessed by a repression, of which one essential object was the culture of modernity."

David Harvey: the regime of flexible accumulation

Self- sufficient ( water and electricity supply, drainage and sewage system)

an unresolved organic algrithm

Military Structure

Flexible Structure, expandable space.

Military technology

Kowloon Walled City is a 4th dimension space. The space evolved with time. Hard to separate its history and program.

Instant City, Peter Cook

not sure about the structure yet.