Five Year Plans and industralisation

State planning that would determine high almost impossible targets for food and industrial production and would also determine prices and wages. this was carried out by Gosplan, state planning agency




1938-41 (WW2)

specialists where brought by Stalin to develop industry (lots of british and american engineers)

positive side

production increased tremendously

USSR went from being an undeveloped country to one of the most prosperous in the world

huge succes in production terms

For example, in 1921 9 million tons of coil were produced, and by 1933, it had reached to 76 million

more electricity was produced. this improved living conditions, specially in winter

Stalin was able to prove the world that Communism worked

stalin managed to set a strong image upon Western countries

Negative side

workers were untrained

machines got broken because of unskilled ex paesants, this was not accepted, so these were named saboteurs and were left unemployed. this caused anger and violence and led to some riots

when targets weren't reached on time workers were blamed and fired (more anger and violence)

workers were intimidated to work harder

working conditions were terrible

workers who made mistakes were taken to labour camps

if a worker had a bad record it would remain in a labour book and their food ration would be decreased

when distribution of food got delayed, tons of people starved to death in the cities, while the food was rotting in containers

workers lived in fear of physical punishment

Colectivisation (1929)

paesants in areas were forced to put their plotts of land together to form a collective land. they would have to hand in all of their machines and animals too 9many disagreed). some of the production would be sold to the state at a low price for machinery.

some peasants burned their crops in protest. this led to satrvation or some of them were sent to labour camps (terror)

if they refused to join the collective, they would be labelled as bulaks; shot deported or sent to labour camps

they blamed the bulaks for everything

children were educated to inform, even if it were their own parents

to settle scores some informed on others

as a result there were riots and armed resistance

there was famine as a result. The state was to proud to ask for international aid and so it kept exporting food, while its own population was starving to death

13 million people died as a result of collectivisation