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Ecosystems (Biomes Section 2: Large geographic areas that have similar…
Biomes Section 2: Large geographic areas that have similar climates and ecosystems.
Temperate Rain Forest: Forest region dominated by trees with needle-like leaves
Life is Douglas fir, western red cedar, spruce, black bear, cougar, bobcat, northern spotted owl, marbled murrelet, and salamanders
Precipitation average is 200 cm to 400 cm
Temperature average is 9 C to 12 C
Tropical Rain Forest: Forest region that has warm temperatures, weather, ad lush plant
Precipitation average is 200 cm to 600 cm
Temperature average is about 25 C
Life in tropical has a great variety
Emergents: Is made up of birds, such as the macaws, and insects
Understory: Is made up of insects, reptiles, and amphibians
Forest Floor: Is made up of insects and the largest mammals
Canopy: Is made up of insects, birds, reptiles, and mammals
Humans have an impact since we usually use this biome for resources resulting in the inhabitants being destroyed
Temperate Deciduous Forest: Regions that have four distinct seasons each year
Life is deciduous trees
Precipitation average is 75 cm to 150 cm
Temperature average is 30 C
Desert: The driest biome on Earth
Precipitation average is less than 25 cm
Life is cacti, kangaroo rat, and scorpions
Taiga: Cold, forest region dominated by cone-bearing evergreen trees.
Life is lichens, mosses, moose, lynx, shrews, bears, and foxes
Precipitation averages is 35 cm to 100 cm
Tundra: Cold, dry, treeless regions, sometimes referred to as a cold desert
average temperature is about -12 C
Precipitation average is less than 25 cm per year
Life in tundra varies depending on conditions
Migrating(Summer conditions): Ducks, geese, shorebirds, and songbirds
Animal life: Hawks, snowy owls, willow grouse, mice, voles, lemmings, arctic hares, caribou, reindeer, and musk oxen
Plant life: Mosses, small shrubs, grasses, and lichens.
Grassland: Temperate and tropical regions dominated by climax communities of grass.
Precipitation average is 25 cm to 75 cm
most grasslands have dry seasons
Life is kangaroos, wildebeests, impalas, and zebras
used to grow crops and raise cattle
Crops: Wheat, rye, barley, oats, and corn
Cattle: Sheep, cows, chickens, etc.
Aquatic Ecosystems Section 3
Salt Water Ecosystems
Coral Reef
Fresh Water Ecosystems
Rivers and Streams
Varies in the current's speed
Fast moving stream or river have clearer water with higher oxygen content
Slow moving river or stream has debris that settles to the bottom with higher nutrient level
The nutrients allow for more plant growth
Because of the slow motion organisms not adapted to swiftly flowing water
Lakes and Ponds
Hardly moves or does not move at all
They vary in different sizes determining whether it is a lake or pond
They are smaller and shallow
They contain more plants than flowing water environments
It is much larger and deeper than a pond
The things who usually create disturbances are human actions
They usually lead to excessive growth in algae and plants
Result: Reduction in oxygen levels
Human population are being educated about problems
Ecosystems are recovering
Result: Plant and other organism die more
Organisms have problems surviving
There are penalties and fines are issued to people polluting
Wetlands: Land wet throughout all the year
Wildlife: Beavers, muskrats, alligators, and bog turtles
Products: Fish, shellfish, cranberries, and plants
Ecosystem:Found between landmasses and water