Why did Russia leave the war

russia was called the "weak giant"

importance of the eastern front

saved Britain and France

the germans had concentrated on smashing France, however the attack of the russians made germany transfer troops to the western front


the early defeats

in 1914 they were defeated at tannenberg and the masurian lakes, leaving them with almost 200,000 men killed

this defeat meant that they would start fighting in the russian sold instead of the german soil

the russians were incompetent and used out of date tactics

they believed the "russian stream rollers" would roll the enemy by sheer weight in numbers

they didn't take in account the power of the machine gun, which the germans had a lot

were using 20 year old maps

poor communication system

lacked weapons, 1 riffle between 3

1915 retreat

in may 1915 the germans and the austrians launched an offensive hoping to knock russia out of the war

the russian troops were in continual retreat

luckily for the russians the harsh winter conditions saved them from

the retreat meant that the Russian were now close to the supply and the germans and Austrians further away

additionally the British and french were supplying them with military equipment

they were better equipped than in the start of the war

the brussilov offensive

in 1916 the french were in a difficult position and asked the russians to attack on the eastern front to relieve pressure

the commander Brussilov launched an offensive and made them capture again what they lost in 1915

the german forces were forced to move 35 divisions to the east and it relieved pressure from france

severe consequences for russia

effects of war on russia

the Russian railway system was breaking down

trains were used to get the soldiers to the warfront, so food wasn't getting to the cities

shortages on food and fuel meant that the people were starving and freezing

less food was produced as the horses and the peasants were taken to war

people were unhappy with war, ideas of revolution

in 1917 the tsar was overthrown, and a provisional government was led

they decided to continue with war, which led to the communism group "the Bolsheviks" seek for the power