Green revolution


The great increase in production of food grains (rice ans wheat) due to the introduction of HYV, तो the use of pesticides and to better management techniques

Components of green revolution

HYV Seeds

They were popularly called the Dwaft variety of seeds, with the help of repeated mutation

These seeds were non photosynthetic, hence nom dependent on sun rays for targeted yields

Chemical fertilizers


Chemical pesticides and Germicides

Chemical her I idea and weedicides

Credit, storage, marketing/distribution

Impacts of Green Revolution

Socio-economic impacts

Food production increased in such a way that many countries became self-sufficient and some even emerged as the food exporting counties

The descipancy in the farmers income, it brought with itself increased the इंटर-पर्सनल as well as inter regional disparities in India

Rise in the incidence of malaria due to the water logging

Critical ecological crisis

Soil fertility degraded

Water table falling down

Environmental degradation

Toxic level in food chain

Cropping पैटर्न

The set and combination of crops which farmers opt for in a peerticular region. In theri farm practices, is called cropping pattern

As the cultivated area remains more or less constant, the increased demand for food, because of increase in population and urbanisation, puts agricultural land under the stress

Factors affecting cropping pattern

Geopolitical factors

Socio-economic factors

Infrastructure factors

Economic factors

Technological factors

Soil, landforms, precipitation, moisture, altitude etc

Food habits, festivals, traditions etc

Irrigation, transport, storage, trade and marketing, post harvest handling and प्रोसेसिंग

Financial resources, land ownership, size and type of land holding, household needs of food, fodder, Fuel, fibre and labour aviablity

Improved variety of seeds and plants, mechanization, प्लांट protection, access to information etc