Inquiry Learning
Facilitation of Inquiry ❗
Planning for Inquiry ❗
Assessment of Inquiry ❗
Classroom Environment Of Inquiry ❗
Student Role ✏
Teacher Role 😃
Student Role ✏
Teacher Role 😃
Student Role ✏
Teacher Role 😃
Student Role ✏
Teacher Role 😃
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This is a mind map of how we can successfully run inquiry for our GATE Practicum. I can't Wait to see our ideas form!
- Simon
Guidelines for Inquiry ✅
Teach Directly on a Need To Know Basis
Place Ideas at the Centre
Work Towards A Common Goal of Understanding
Don't Wait for the perfect Question !
Do Not Let Go of The Class
Remain Faithful To The Student's Line of Inquiry
Key Ideas
Key Ideas
Key Ideas
Key Ideas
Key Ideas
Key Ideas
Recognize that some ideas are better taught directly in order to reach inquiry. (Be cautious with this but understanding)
Recognize that not all learning calls for inquiry.
Ensure to help students overcome obstacles within their learning.
Use teacher moves such as mini lessons, revisiting a concept, or redefining success criteria.
The students need to know certain things to get to their destination. How can I help them learn those things ?
Some knowledge is required for students to stay focused on their inquiry.
Teacher must express interest in thinking about challenging questions and problems.
Students thinking may be confined if they rely solely on their own experiences.
Educators must aid children in noticing things they may not otherwise see.
Teacher plays a role in moving student Ideas forward, by building and maintaining momentum.
Teacher models classroom norms and expectations during inquiry learning. (Modelling a good question, what constitutes an evidence based explanation , etc)
Important to do full class check ins and discuss the big ideas at hand.
Views ideas as improvable, through questions like how can we make this better ?
Allow student ideas to germinate and grow through multiple expressions.
Establish a culture where students are encouraged to present ideas and respectfully challenge them.
Most valuable questions are ones that lead to other questions.
The initial inquiry must spark student interest and provide opportunity + resource for in depth student investigation.
Students must find the problems intellectually stimulating
Student Contributions 🏴
Types of Student Contributions ⭐
Ways to Build Contributions 🏗
Making Connections
Asking Questions
Proposing Theories
Building On
Declarative Statements
Teacher modeling of the different types responses
Ensure that all contributions are accepted, wanted, and welcome.
Make students aware of the different contributions they can bring.
Ensure time in class to have to actively practice meta cognitive techniques.
Teach Students Meta-cognition
Use guiding questions during the inquiry process.
Ensuring that ideas become a currency within the classroom.
Keep student thinking at the center of the inquiry process.
Model respectful discussion within the classroom.
Teach on the spot mini lessons, when students need specific knowledge.
Revisit initial theories and ideas about good questioning (Blooms Taxonomy).
Intervene and build momentum, ensure student investment in ideas.
Balance content specific language with everyday student talk.
Connect student questions to curricular content.
Engage students by bringing forth discussions on their ideas throughout the inquiry process.
Ensure that assessment is continual.
Develop and practice your own question making skills.
Consider and utilize the guidelines of inquiry, and the 6E model.
Know your students interests, ensure to incorporate them to add engagement.
6 E Instructional Model
Accesses prior knowledge,make connections between past and present learning, organized towards learning outcomes.
Common base of activities that facilitate conceptual change, use prior knowledge to generate ideas, explore questions, and conduct preliminary investigation.
Focuses upon student engagement and exploration experiences and provides opportunities for students to demonstrate their understanding.
Teachers will challenge students to apply their knowledge and develop deeper thinking skills, through conducting additional activities.
This process encourages students to self assess their understanding, while also providing times for teacher assessment.
Infused throughout the entire inquiry experience, as learners gather, explore, and communicate their findings.
Teacher introduces new concepts, and guides the students towards a deeper understanding.