Ignorance VS. Knowledge: Montag’s point of view of fire from the beginning until the end.
-Exposition: “It was a pleasure to burn (p.1
-Rising Action: “Suddenly the smell of kerosene makes him vomit (p.48)”
“We burned a thousand books, we burned a woman…No, not water, fire. You ever seen a burned house? It smolders for days. Well, this fire last me all night (p.48)
-Climax: “Burn them or they’ll burn you”
Meaning: This quote symbolizes how Montag has separated himself from his society. He has finally realized the truth of his job and life.
Falling Action: “So if he burned things with the firemen and the sun burned time… One of them had to stop burning. The sun wouldn’t, certainly. So, it looked as if it had to be Montag and the people he had worked with until a few short hours ago.”
Resolution: “The fire was gone, then back again…but the fire was there and he approached warily… The small motion, the white and red color, a strange fire… It was not burning it was burning.”