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Rangers FC (Days (22. oktober (Show key notes of indidivual opponent…
Rangers FC
Moments of game
Off org
Def org
Off trans
Def trans
Uses same procedures as we have learned at course
watching the loads of players
end the week in green
Red - Bad Orange/yellow - High Green . Good
Gained experience and knowledge over 4 years
Knows the thresholds by each parameter in each drill/day
Convince the players
Why to follow the rules by GPS/load management
Convince from the beginning of season
"The Deja Vu sensation"
Let the players get the feeling they have been showned before
Def org + off trans + player/team information
Off org + def trans + player/team info
Seen the opponent before the week begins
Already planned the moments/phases, as well exercises to work on which day before the cycle
Specify the phases and moment of each match
1st phase build up - GK to B4
2nd phase build up - B4 to midtfield
Creation phase - opened up and positionated midfield
Finishing phase - Last 16 meters
All moments in 1 day - less info
Def organisation - position specific
Def transition - patterns
Focus on individual players
Against Kilmarnock: Don't know the coach, quite new
Analyse in general patterns, especially weaknesses in 4-4-2, offensive individual patterns, Can find previous coach team, find strategical patterns at the coach
No deep tactical aspects during congested
8,3 min møte
Normal: 3 meetings 2 analysis, 1 strategical (matchday with Caixinha)
Congested: 2 meetings - 1 analysis all moments + set pieces + 1 strategical with Caixinha matchday
Look through match w analyze sheet - Analyse w. Sportscode - Coach Paint/Adobe Premier - Powerpoint
Pedro Caixinga - Manager
Has his own office with closed door
Helder Baptista - Coach
Pedro Malta - Analyst
Jonatan Johansson - Coach
Jose Belman - GK Coach
Craig Flannigan - Sports Scientist
Nacho Novo - Coach/Legend
The office
Everyone see each other
Round table in middle for discussing of sessions
Eat lunch with players
Open to receive them in office
Helder a key person in relation with players
Speak the countrys' language
Create right culture
Kenny Miller a problem
Plus the agent
How to handle this? Let him train with reserves - otherwise sell him
The way a player like him can affect fans, media, other players
Scottish culture
"How are you" "Not bad"
Isolated people
Needs to soften and open up
GPS - watch the loads by each cycle
07:45 tirsdag - arrangerer hvilke baner de trenger
Duration 1 - M+2
Quick messages beforehand of the exercise + in between repetitions
100 mins
Tension - M-4
More pauses - let the players rest mentally as well
95 mins
Less coaching except for clear details in beginning of exercises
Competitional game in the end to activate players
Duration 2 - M-3
"First 1.5 minutes of main exercise is very important"
1: Playing short build up from back, switch opposite side
2: Close the spaces with B4, especially FB's decisions def trans + def org. 1)Press ball and regain 2)Organize first block (B4+2CM) 3) Organize full block (team)
90 mins
Speed - M-2
90 mins
General specific speed - Regards to play, not position speficic
Positional specific speed last exercise before set pieces
Helder + Pedro joined session - pressure during passing drill
1) duells 2)open for switch to opposite flank
Offensive set pieces + duels after long kick from GK
Time/reaction - M-1
Helder + Pedro uses different approaches in mannequin exercise
Progression in complexity with boxes during the session
Caixinha just observing
90 mins
Session 23.10 players with 60 mins or less
60 mins
All the moments during a microcycle
Less, almost no, coaching
Caixinha inactive, just observing the players
Session 22.10 players who don't play match
60 mins
Boxes and passing drills with progression in complexity
Less coachinng
Session 24.10
60 mins
Injury prevention training - phsyiology
Switching between different kind of boxes and proprioseptive training circuits
Short durations - minimal intensity - less mental effort, but more fun
Latin speaking players still on pitch after session to play between each other - environmenta
Warm ups/recovery
Prefer functional with proprioseptive
Functional alone can make the players lazy
Isolate and focus to make the best
Congested fixture
Cold water immersion after match mandatory
Both after match + M+2
Non-congested fixture
Can choose to do cold water immersion
Cold + hot water immersion M+2
16. oktober
Day off
17. oktober
Preparation opponent analysis - Pedro analyst
Preparation own team analysis - Pedro C
Preparation Set pieces analysis - Jonatan + Helder
18. oktober
Player meeting Caixinha
19. oktober
Playing short out of back w high press
Defensive transition
Switch of play via middle, clean ball and exploit opposite of field
After session: Extra work - injury preventive strength training - core
Playing 7v6 against staff of Rangers
20. oktober
Show opponent offensive org + def trans analysis - 8-.9 mins
Helder + Pedro joins session in speed drill
Press conferences
Media on the football field
21. oktober
Show opponent def org + off trans analysis - 8-9 mins
Player meeting in morning - showing video
22. oktober
Show key notes of indidivual opponent players
It's up to the players themselves
Players who don't play: Session 09-10 in morning - 6 players
Passing drills
Boxes -6v2
"Players usually are more negative during these sessions" - Craig
A little time/reaction - small spaces, quick changes
Looking for the 3rd man in passing drill
Tight - combination play - shift play - new ball at 3rd man - playing with 2 balls
Rest of players meet up 10, have breakfast, leave together for Ibrox stadium with police escorte
Hampden Park Glasgow
Keep information flow as little as possible
U13 (2005) players - 5 meter til 5 meter, "9'er" fotball, 7'er mål.
0-2 v Motherwell
Caixinha + Rpbinson sent out
A lot of physique in game - bad ref - players not working what has been practising towards match
VIP at Hampden Park
Didn't manage to threaten 1v1 by switch of play often enough
Good 1st period - lack leadership after goal against
1 more item...
Caixinha before match: Man of habits, no rituals
23. oktober
Privacy during the morning meeting
We got sent tot the reception
Players appearing different
Kenny Miller humming - Bruno Alves hiding himself
Most appears depressed - ofc - unless Kenny
Squad that plays stays in gym
Stays in gym both days in the congested fixture (monday/tuesday)
Showing video to the players
Respect other aspects of the players. not only the cycles/moments of periodisation
How to prepare the players specific towards next match?
Squad outside trains all the different moments in a normal microcycle
Players playing 60 mins or less
Start analysis/preparation on Kilmarnock - JJ & Helder
Press conference - Caixinha
Tension in the club this day
24. oktober
Morning meeting - began later with Caixinha
Discussing player availability,
First without Caixinha; discussing isolated strength exrcises included in the session
No other than the players in the dressing room
Reduce the information given to the players
Meeting in playing room before session, taking different decisions
Not involving himself in todays or yesterdays sessions
Preparing the players with video - let them set themselves in the situations
Synchronization of players
Congested fix
2 days
No day off + recovery phys/mental
3 days
No days off, cycle - recovery phys/mental - then important key factors for match last day
4 days
Day off first day, then cycle (recovery - tension - time/reaction)
25. oktober
26. oktober
Food / Nutrition
Cherry juice - better sleep quality
Poultry/chicken, white fish, potatoes, rice, Pasta/Spaghettisauce, minced meat, soups, bread, salad, olives, fruit/berries, yoghurt
Soup recipe
Mash sweet potato with water in crusher. 2)Add corn flour to thicken. 3)add pepper/chili 4)add double cream/full milk.
08:00 - breakfast
12:00 /13:00lunch
Opponents period
Type 1 microcycle
Full week
Type 2 microcycle
Lost match - tough emotional/psyc state
Rest the players that played both days before match (gym sessions)
2 days training