Rivers Assement 30th October

Drainage Basin

A drainage basin is an area of land that filters into a river

Watershed is the entire reigon that drains into the river

Confluence is where two equal size rivers meet

Tributary is where a small and large river join

Main channel is the deepest or widest part of a river

Stages of a river




Fast flowing, the highest point and where most errosion happens

Gentler slope, with more energy and volume. It errodes material from the right and then on the left, which creates horse-shoe like meanders

No gradient at all, with Ox-bow lakes, Estuarys and Deltas form. The area that surounds a river is known as the flood plain. It floods with the river and is very fertile.

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Features of a river

River bed- The channel in which a river flows in

Delta- a landform created by deposition

Meander-a bend in the river caused by erosion

Mouth- where the river ends up

Waterfall- a cascade of water caused by different rock types


Solution- soluble rock dissolved in the water

Hydrallic action- water wearing eroding the river

Abrasion- rocks dragging along the river bed

Erosion is the wearing away of rock

Attrition- rocks smashing into each other