Learning Management System Curriculum for Faculty Development
Module Organization
Instructor Presence
Discussion Boards
Beginner: Use Discussion Forums to create learner to learner and learner to instructor interactions; Rubrics embedded to allow for consistent grading
Intermediate: Group forums created for threaded discussions.
Advanced: Allow students to facilitate threaded discussions
Beginner: Use folders to collect elements of the course such as presentation, readings, assignments and assessments.
Intermediate: Course Overview module created; Course structure organized by week with Module Overview page outlining the objectives, assignments, etc.
Advanced: One-stop-shop organization: modules are organized by week with all required tools linked in the folder
A. Beginner
B. Intermediate
- Develop a communication policy or plan for email and feedback
- Apply the communication policy or plan for email and feedback.
- Apply technology tools to provide feedback
Reply to students with specific feedback in the discussion board area of the LMS
Track changes on submitted documents or separate feedback files
Reply to email communication within 24-48 hours of student communication
Feedback within approximately 7 days depending on length or type of assignments
C. Advanced
- Employ videos to connect to students every week for updates or feedback
Create a short, captioned update video
Screen capture/audio feedback
Screen capture tools: MediaSpace, Screencastify, Screen-Cast-Omatic, Jing
Audio feedback tools: Audacity or D2L audio feedback
- Identify different technology tools that can be used to communicate feedback
Rubric Tool
Turnitin, MS Word
Discussion Tool