Fahrenheit 451






Conformity vs Individualism


Dystopian Literature

Narrative voice

Through his friendship with Clarisse McClellan, Montag perceives the harshness of society as opposed to the joys of nature in which he rarely experiences.



Is foil of Mildred, non-conformist, curious and anti-social.


Helps Montag progress as a character.


The fireman uses fire to destroy the books and because of that, their helmets have the number 451 that is the temperature books burn.


Part of title of the first chapter.

When Clarisse reminds Montag about a candle light meaning that when controlled symbolizes knowledge and self-awareness.

Part of title of the first chapter.

Salamanders are know for being able to survive in the fire. this contradicts the novel because books are not able to survive in the fire.

In which a perfect society is portrayed .

Makes a criticism about a certain trend, societal form, or political system.

A futuristic , imagined universe .

An example in Fahrenheit 451 is the way the destruction of books creates contradiction in society.

Ignorance vs Knowledge


At the beginning of the novel Ignorant.


Non-conformist she is against society and tries to see more than what they show them.

She questions everything Montag and society tells her.


In the novel Fahrenheit 451, censorship plays an enormous role and is noted to be the most important theme.

But as the story progresses he gather more knowledge knows how to contradict society when something is wrong.

"it was not burning, it was worming"(page 117).

"It was a pleasure to burn"(page 1).

People of this society do not think independently nor do they have meaningful conversations.

"It's not books you need, it's some of the things that once were in

In the futuristic world of Fahrenheit 451, firemen start fires rather than extinguishing them.

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Represents the place where the things are burn mostly are located in the houses.


She is into a more conservative and technological world.

Prefers to be in the TV rather than spending some time with her husband Montag.