intro to HSR

HSR: disciplines which answer ‘we know what should be happening in healthcare system but what actually happens?’, production, organisation, distribution & impact of services on status, illness & disability

Features HSR: methodological pluralism
Multidisciplinary approach: no single discipline (epi or clinical) able to answer research q’s, theoretical & analytical approaches epi, sociology, economics, psychology to give knowledge on performance of system
Multimethod approach: no single method predominates e.g. quantitative & qualitative approaches equally valid contributions to answering q

Features HSR: conducted various levels (individual, fam, profession, organisational, institutional, com, pop), clinicians, pts & funding agencies together for greatest gain

Examples HSR q’s: how can we measure outcomes of care? Is hsystem benefitting users? Who is using services? What’s being provided? system fair? system value for money? How do alt tx approaches compare? Best workforce mix?

HSR NZ: Characteristics of dent practice (workforce, practising behaviour, pt care – diabetics, older ppl, chemoprophylaxis, aesthetic dent, new tech, immigrant experiences), outcomes of dent care (measuring OH rather than disease, outcomes of tx under GA, is dent care good for us?)

Early example – retrospective audit: review case notes kids treated GA @ hosp dent unit 1989-94, caries primary reason, SDB funding, hosp dentist rather than OMFS cases, waiting time diff consultation vs GA, mean wait time incr from 1.1 months to 2.4 months, cases/session incr from 1.7 to 2.6

Dent & stress: physical & mental problems, poor working relationships , low job satisfaction, burn-out, premature retirement, >10% burn-out

Relevant domains: time-related pressures, heavy workload, $ concerns, difficult patients, inflicting pain, staff problems, breakdowns, defective materials, poor working conditions, med emergencies, boredom

Interesting diffs: av 7 constant stressors (NZ-trained = 6, overseas-trained = 10), higher % males stressed by high levels conc 46%, 35%, causing pain 35%, 24%, working w kids 34%, 27%), new CPD req only 15% (higher among busier)

Coping w stress: alc 28%, eating 22%, sports 64%, restings 59%, hobbies 47%, spending money 20%, forgetting work 59%, interactions w people 78%, coping strategies 30% (by sex, graduating cohort)

Most common stressors tx difficult kids, time pressure, & high levels conc, overseas-trained more stressed, sexes diff in stress management

Treating older ppl: DHB sector lacks capacity to deal w prob itself, long-term care sector ill-equipped, gen dent practitioners part of system of oral care for older in institutions, know little about barriers for GDPs providing care, GDPs’ beliefs RE OH of older, probs older face in access, degree willingness of long-term care sector to face prob

Study NZ dentists’ perceptions of barriers to caring for older, beliefs RE oral diseases among older, vs those w what we know from epi evidence, postal survey random sample 700 GDPs, 1st wave forms April 2006, 2nd wave nonresponders May 2006, response = 64.5%

Tx ppl nursing homes: 1 in 4 dentists providing care prev 2 years, 1 in 20 done so frequently, higher smaller centres, respondents w hosp dent experience, 1 in 10 willing to provide such care, highest among recent graduates, barriers

Barriers by GDPs: Inconvenience leaving practice, pt attitudes, no $ incentive, complex med conditions, unique tx needs

Andrea Kelsen’s DClinDent research: audit random sample NZ rest homes, 2 aspects, current oral care practices & oral awareness staff, similar study in Michigan 2007

New tech in practice - study determine prevalence new tech & freq of use in NZ

Methods: cross-sectional survey, random 700 dentists from DCNZ, Dent Register 2007, postal questionnaire 2 waves, 49 out of scope, 409 responses 62.8%. Haves & have-not-yet, more males – boy toys, year grad (bleaching units), BDS source (home vs overseas trained), practice setting (major vs provincial cities)

Immigrant experiences: qualitative study, semi-structured interviews w 14 overseas-qualified, NZDREX challenging, >1 attempt, most settled well, moved for better QoL, financial issues, acceptance by profession, peer contact, better peer support req

OHRQoL measures: clinical disease measures limited in utility, OHRQoL measures provide info on impact oral conditions on lives, determine whether clinical interventions efficacious

Under GA: 5000 NZ kids per year tx, acute pain/infection, too young for amount tx req, disabilities/med problems, trauma, restricted access

Malden (2008) study tx young kids w severe caries under GA makes diff to lives (& fam), example HSR, q about system’s effectiveness, measurement OH outcomes

Study: consecutive clinical sample, Wellington, kids dent tx GA, March to July 2005, aims doc changes OHRQoL among kids dent care GA, examine evaluative properties of COHQOL

Fam Impact Scale: bc of kids teeth, how often been upset? guilty? response never, once, often

Data: “baby teeth” matter, caries wider effects, tx prob results in QoL improvements for child, fam

Dent care good for us? Promote reg visiting = cornerstone preventive dent, most western countries, ≅ 1⁄2 adult pop routine, lower w males, low-SES & older, evidence better OH routine, cross-sectional studies, effect visiting vs “healthy user effect”

Constraints: research time & effort, measurement validity, reliability, data standardised, electronic practice database beginning, extracting data in analysable form from proprietary databases challenge, representativeness practice-based data, attenders differ in ways from gen pop, funding

Opportunities: outcome-based research (making diff to pts? Before-&-after monitoring w OHRQoL instruments, OHIP-14 adolescents & adults, CPQ kids), evaluation - materials, interventions (“real world”, RCTs), case reports, case series

Practice-based network: proposal - rep sample dentists linked via Internet (500 practitioners), 95% GDPs willing (2010 survey), periodic surveys (monitoring changes, procedures provided service-mix, presentations case-mix, views RE issues)