Lorado Taft


Bird watching

Jays and Juncos

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Observation game

Beak station

We tested out different to to represent different beaks.

Servant beaks work better for gathering certain foods

Worked in groups of two to three to figure out what tool worked best

We hid are cups so Jays don't eat are food. We were the Juncos. Every time we would get a seed and come back to are cups to have multiple seeds. We only were able to get one seed at a time because of are beaks..

We did this game out side and we used smaller cups to fit under the leafs

We were not able to defend are cup/nest

the cups were a nest


The way you play this game is when you get a partner (mine was Robert) then we started by saying 3 characteristics about them.
Then you can get more advanced and you would have to move something, but not so suspicion. Then we turned around to see what they change, it was hard.

some birds were cardinals, woodpeckers, blue jay.

Use binoculars

Use bionaculars to see birds up close


Native Americans

Alpha Wolf

Endeavors and engineering



Instincts for survival

Dining hall


how we did it

are group did make it cross but is was on two wheels it was funny

We used a square type of tool to move it then when we were about to start the wheels fell off. We made it through but only with two wheel that were dragging.

Are group was really getting frustrated when we had 5 minutes left and the store was closed down.


cool house

candle making

the tools we use were to make things like houses shapes, holes and a lot of other things It was super fun.

When we made candles we dipped in water and wax for about ten minutes, then we put the string in water for 20 minutes and it became hard.

The pioneer house was from a pioneers house that was called David Rice he had a very nice house. After he was done using it a farmer put a farm over it and then noticed what was under there. Now Lorado Taft owns it.

How I did it

What I did

How fun it was

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