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Lorado Taft :sparkling_heart: (Birding :bird: (Bird watching (Some birds…
Lorado Taft
Birding :bird:
Bird watching
Some birds were cardinals, woodpeckers, blue jays.
Observe frozen birds that were dead.
We used binoculars.
Jays and Juncos
Juncos had to hide their nests from the 2 jays.
We were outside and many people hid their nests under weeds or leaves.
You needed at least 3 seeds to support the life of the new born hatchlings.
Observation Game
We had a partner and we had to stand back to back.
One partner would close their eyes and the other would try to change different things from their previous appearance.
We had to guess what our partner had changed about themselves and than the visa versa.
Beak station
We tested out different tools to represent different beaks.
Certain beaks work better for gathering certain foods.
We worked in partners to figure out what tool worked best.
Native American :evergreen_tree:
When the time was up for hiding the person would open or uncover their eyes and they would make a full circle and they could stop at any time before the circle ended to spot the people who were hiding.
In camoflauge there was one person who closed their eyes or covered them while everybody tried to camouflage or hide themselves around the person who had their eyes closed.
You would get 1 minute to hide. The person who hid the best and closest without being spotted was the winner and would be the new person to close their eyes.
Knee coo
If you were out than you had to kneel down, but you still could get people out if they got to close to you. If you tagged them while you were out they would be out.
Knee coo was basically a version of tag. The only difference was the fact we had to tag the person on the back of their knee in order to get them out.
Once there were only 2 people left than al the people who were out would make a circle around the last 2 players and they would try to get each outher by tagging each others knees. The person that didn't get tagged won.
When someone misses the throw or flinches or makes any sudden movement when the person on the inside of the circle pretends to throw or actually throw it you are out. You have to sit down on the floor.
If someone doesn't flinch or catches the throw when the person on the middle throws or pretends to throw to them, they get to go in the middle and be the new person to throw the stick or pretend to until there are only 2 people standing.
In flinch there is a little stick and there's a circle that everybody makes with one person inside the circle with the stick. They have a choice of who they want to throw it to or fake throw it to. Their goal is to make someone flinch if they fake throw the stick. If they actually throw the stick the person they're throw to had to catch it.
If there are 2 people left, they face of against each other until one flinched or misses a throw from the person inside the circle.
Alpha Wolf :wolf:
Night hike
We held onto a rope so we wouldn't lose our team because it was really dark out.
We hiked up to south field which was the same place we did orienteering.
It was really hard because you could end up tripping over a branch or missing step so I looked at the person in front of me to see if they were stepping down.
Learning about wolves
We learned the difference between a coyote a wold and a fox.
We learned that wolves only howl when they've located food or when they're trying to find each other.
We also learned that they stay in a pack to protect themselves.
Playing the game
When we found the Alpha wolf they would give us a chip that was rather human or wolf. If we got wolf we had been communicating in wolf and not in "human", but if they gave us a human chip than we hadn't been talking wolf.
We would try to find the Alpha wold who would be hiding some were in the woods.
We had to talk in wolf with our team so we could tell each other which way to go and what to do.
We needed 12 wolf chips to survive. We got 16 wolf chips and we got 9 human chips.
Pioneering :candle:
Going into the log cabin
We got to learn a lot about pioneers like how they would sleep with their big families and how they would do all their chores and the different types of chores they would do.
When we went inside the log cabin we got to explore it and look at all the cool things that were actual pioneer things that they used.
When we were done exploring everything and we got to learn facts about pioneers we asked some questions. One person asked what they used a wooded box with a dowel sticking out of it. Somebody answered that it was a butter churner.
Using the tools
We got to use a bunch of different tools that the pioneers used to build their everyday objects and their cabins.
One of the tools was a two person saw. It had 2 handle so 1 person at each handle. Than one person would pull and the other would hold it firmly, and visa versa. We used the saw on a log and if we cut of the circular part of the log it would be a tree cookie and our school did it so we got to keep it.
We got in groups to try out each tool. We got 8 minutes at each of the 4 stations. One of the stations was were we got to use a blade to shave of wood to make eit smooth.
Making candles
We went around in a circul dipping the wicks into hot wax than into water and repeating htis process until we got a wick that had enough wax to be a candle that was the size of our pinkie.
We got to make candles in pioneering using a wick and some wax that our pioneering person melted using a camp fire.
When our candles were done we had to find the piece of tape with our name on it than rap that around our candle. We were going to get them back the week after taft.
Endeavors in Engineering : :credit_card: :racing_car:
Orienteering :
Craft :lower_left_paintbrush:
Branding Board
WHen you did your picture you would have to find some way to combine Taft and Erickson together. You would draw and color it. When you were done you would give it to a teacher.
When you were done you would turn it into a teacher who would give it to a member of the Taft Staff who would combine it with the rest who entered to get their's chosen.
The randing board was something that was in the dining hall. You would draw a picture that combine taft with Erickson. One person would get picked and their picture would get branded on the board forever.
If you got chosen for the board, you would come with the breakfast hoppers to the dining hall early to see your picture get branded onto the wall forever.
Tin punch
Once we chose out everything we would get thumbtacks and a screw to start making indentation and pinning the foil to the wooden circle we would get.
You would tape down your picture to the wooden circle and use a hammer and screw to go around the outline and details until you were happy with the way it looked..
We could choose from a bunch of different pictures. Than we would chose copper or silver for our foil.
When you took the picture of you would see all the indentation the hammer and the screw made. Than you would just color the whole thing any way you wanted then put glitter on it if you wanted to.
We made tin punches in craft. A tin punch is a piece of foil attached to wood. We had to use a hammer to make the design we chose.
Instincts for Survival :fire:
If you were a carnivore than you could only tag herbivores. If you tagged than you would take a life chip from them and add them to your chips. You had 2 life chips ot start
If you were a omnivore than you could tag a carnivore or a herbivore, if you tagged them you would have to take their life chip.
If you wre a herbivore you got 4 life chips and a green headband. The omnivores and carnivores could tag you, f they tagged you than you would have to give tham a life chip.
If you ran out of life chips than you would have to find the healer. Once you found the healer, they would make you do some silly task. Than you would get one life chip to continue with.
If you didn't get 3 food and 3 water posts than you didn't survive that round.
The rules were simple. One of them was that even though it seemed like omnivores would be safe, there would be a hunter who could tag anyone in the game.
Food and water posts
We had to find different food and water posts around North field. If we found one than we had to get our papers and use the stamps that were at each post.
We needed 3 water posts and 3 food posts to survive.
We had a piece of paper which we called our "stomachs". We had to keep this with us at all times.
Meals/Dining Hall :shallow_pan_of_food:
Ort report
The ort report was basically when we had to try not to waste any food. Our goal was 0 pounds of ort.
Ort was any food that you put in your glass or in your bowl or plate that you didn't eat it. It would count as ort only if it couldn't be composted.
If we got 0 pounds of ort than our school would go up on hte plate of fame in the dining hall. Our school got really close with 1/2 a pound of ort
We had a bunch of different types of food with every different type of meal. The different meals were breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack.
One of the things we had for breakfast was cinnamon buns with eggs. It was delicious and the cinnamon rolls were huge!
One of the things we got for lunch was pizza with brownies. The brownies ere extra chocolatey and the pizza was amazingly cheesy.
The first thing you did was set the table. You would set it with knives, plates, forks, spoons, bowls, and cups.
The next thing you did was get hte food to the table onece everybody sat down. You would also get seconds for the people who wanted more.
A hopper was a person who would go to each meal 30 minutes early to help setup the table and get the food to the tables.
The last thing you did was clean the table when everybody was done eating. You would take all the plates and bowls to a certain space as well as the utensils and cups.