Principles of Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal Messages Interact with Verbal Messages







Putting extra emphasis on words or phrases

To add nuances of meaning not communicated by your verbal message

For example, smiling when you are telling a story

Contradict your verbal messages with your movements

Used to indicate your desire to control

Repeating or restating your verbal message, nonverbally

For example, waving at someone while saying "Hello"

Using nonverbal communication to substitute for a verbal message

For example, nodding your head for yes or no instead of actually saying "yes" or "no"

Nonverbal Messages Help Manage Impressions

To be liked

To be believed

To excuse failure

To secure help

To hide faults

To be followed

To confirm self-image and communicate it to others

A simple smile or hand shake may make you seem more likable

For example, when I meet new people, I always try to smile at them.

Using focused eye contact, firm stance, and open gestures

Sad look, cover your face, or shake your head

When I mess up, I tend to put my palm to my forehead

Use open hand gestures, puzzles look, inept movements

Avoid self-touching gestures

Dress the part of a leader, display awards so others can see it

Dressing or decorating in ways that show your personality

For example, I wear the more sporty and comfy clothes which may show others that I like sports and exercise.

Nonverbal Messages Help Form Relationships

For example, holding hands with your partner to signify that you two are together.

Nonverbal Messages Can Influence and Deceive

Influence: focused glance, gestures, the way your dressed also shows a lot

Deceive: eyes and facial expressions to communicate a liking for other people

Nonverbal Messages Are Crucial for Expressing Emotions

Nonverbal signs communicate a great part of your emotional experience

You can also use nonverbal messages to hide your emotions

For example, I don't like to show when I'm mad or upset so I usually smile or have a blank look on my face.