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Upenn: HOW to explore intellectual and academic interest (Opportunities…
HOW to explore intellectual and academic interest
Opportunities at Penn
curriculum - diversity, intensity(rigorous), flexibility
diverse, curious, ambitious student body
Poli Sci Major
Netter center - academically-based community service courses
why this opportunity?
prior experience
starry night - prior experience in:
starry night - prior experience of teaching;
this is what I am passionate about;
Penn Netter Center provides me the perfect chance to further explore my interest in engaing myself with children / combine my passino with purpose
starry night - educational inequality research;
1000 samples;
prior research experience enables me to efficiently explore this opportunity
what can I do with this opportunity?
future application
reflect on my experience
in community service courses at Netter Center
contribute to original project - Starry Night
provide sustainable development for Starry Night and guidiance for future members
scrutinize my program, locate existing problems, improve
integrate mode of thinking into???
contribute to west Philly
advance learning and improve the quality of life in West Philadelphia
truely become a responsible memebr of Penn community
Sociology Major
Overarching theme
“Learning for the sake of doing.”
a place where students “turn theories to practice”
what the presenter at wharton info session began with
Combine passion with purpose
Penn President Amy Gutmann at 2010 Convocation Address
academic interests
Approach 1
why penn
step out of comfort zone
with every individual around me having the same goal, I can achieve all that without being paralyzed by the stultifying fear of failure
reference curriculum - diversity, intensity(rigorous), flexibility
my current status
College is about growing up, being accountable for my own actions.
Penn's curriculum forces me to explore different disciplines - which complicates my academic decisions.
I do not yet know what I’m going to major in, and the choices can be overwhelming. But part of growing up is struggling with choices, asking for help if I need it, and making my own decisions.
wide variety of interests - undecided
what I expect my college experience to provide me
Explore topics that actually interest me,
expose myself to new disciplines,
challenge myself silly,
and discover potentially life-changing passions
Approach 2
Poli Sci/Sociology
what I have learned/did
how have those things inspired me
Starry Night
addressing educational inequality
effect of government policies
educational studies
meeting with & helping & getting to know children from underdeveloped areas in China
PF debate
researching on effects of
a. policies, UBI
b. events, urbanization
on society
interest on public policies and government studies
how countries interact
international relations
wide range of interests? good undecided??
how can I further develop them at Penn
poli sci major at Penn
Netter Center
Penn Program for Public Service Summer Internship
advance learning and improve the quality of life in West Philadelphia
academically-based community service courses
teaching exprience
sociology major at Penn
The Education & Inequality workshop:
focuses on issues of inequalities in educational opportunities that have been central to sociology
courses - 2018 spring
cultural ethnic background as a Chinese student
→ to examine contemporary Chinese society from a new perspective and to gain more comprehensive understanding
→ to contribute my voice as a native Chinese in class, forming diversity in class and on campus
SOCI153 - LANG & SOCIAL IDENTITY: Everyone has an accent: Language and Social Identity in the US
SOCI238 - Media, Culture and Society in Contemporary China
experience doing Starry Night
→ explore questions that intrigue me from previous days
SOCI041 - Social Inequality and Health
SOCI041 - Poverty and Inequality
identity as a global citizen
→ learn about the knowledge and skills needed to address contemporary global challenges
SOCI 137 Sociology of Media and Popular Culture
SOCI 104 Sociology of Sex: Comparative Approach
SOCI 569 Media, Democracy, and Civic Participation
SOCI002 - SOCIAL PROB & PUB POLICY: Social Problems & Public Policy
intellectual interests
Outline of Essay
experience in Starry Night
starry night - educational inequality research;
1000 samples;
prior research experience enables me to efficiently explore this opportunity
starry night - prior experience of teaching;
this is what I am passionate about;
Penn Netter Center provides me the perfect chance to further explore my interest in engaing myself with children / combine my passino with purpose
academic interest
"good undecided" - sociology / poli sci
poli sci
research & teaching experience ➡️ ABCS courses = fit
example of ABCS course:
reflect on my experience
in community service courses at Netter Center
integrate mode of thinking into???
contribute to original project - Starry Night
provide sustainable development for Starry Night and guidiance for future members
scrutinize my program, locate existing problems, improve
contribute to west Philly
advance learning and improve the quality of life in West Philadelphia
truely become a responsible memebr of Penn community
prior experience (Starry Night) ➡️ strong will/dedication to address educational ineuqality
The Education & Inequality workshop:
focuses on issues of inequalities in educational opportunities that have been central to sociology
【experience doing Starry Night
→ explore questions that intrigue me from previous days】
SOCI041 - Poverty and Inequality
SOCI041 - Social Inequality and Health
different aspects of myself
cultural ethnic background as a Chinese student
→ to examine contemporary Chinese society from a new perspective and to gain more comprehensive understanding
→ to contribute my voice as a native Chinese in class, forming diversity in class and on campus
SOCI153 - LANG & SOCIAL IDENTITY: Everyone has an accent: Language and Social Identity in the US
SOCI238 - Media, Culture and Society in Contemporary China
identity as a global citizen
→ learn about the knowledge and skills needed to address contemporary global challenges
SOCI 137 Sociology of Media and Popular Culture
SOCI 104 Sociology of Sex: Comparative Approach
SOCI 569 Media, Democracy, and Civic Participation
SOCI002 - SOCIAL PROB & PUB POLICY: Social Problems & Public Policy
Explore topics that actually interest me,
expose myself to new disciplines,
challenge myself silly,
and discover potentially life-changing passions
also allows me to step out of my comfort zone, to explore across a broad spectrum of disciplines
General Requirement
not only to explore my current academic interests / passions
College is about growing up, being accountable for my own actions.
Penn's curriculum forces me to explore different disciplines - which complicates my academic decisions.
I do not yet know what I’m going to major in, and the choices can be overwhelming. But part of growing up is struggling with choices, asking for help if I need it, and making my own decisions.