M4 - Enterprise
Continuum &

continuous extent of something, no part of
which is different from any other

A model for structuring a virtual repository and methods for classifying architecture and solution artifacts

Based on architectures and solutions

Deliverables produced in this iteration of the ADM

Deliverables produced in other iterations of the ADM

Models, patterns, architecture descriptions

Assets from the industry at large

Showing how artifacts evolve

practical implementation of the Enterprise Continuum takes the form of an Architecture Repository

combination of two
complementary concepts: the Architecture Continuum and the Solutions Continuum

enables effective use of COTS products.

improves engineering efficiency

aids organization of reusable architecture and solution assets

provides a common language:
– Within enterprises
– Between customer enterprises and vendors

Architecture Reuse

External assets include

architecture governance function decides which assets
an enterprise considers part of its own Enterprise Continuum

Enterprise Continuum consists of all architecture assets:
models, patterns, architecture descriptions, etc

Generic reference models (eg TOGAF’s TRM, Zachmann…)

IT-specific models (eg a web services architecture)

Information Processing-specific models (eg e-Commerce, supply
chain management …)

Vertical-Industry-specific models (eg TMF, ARTS, POSC…)

Enterprise Continuum: Constituents

M4 - slide 10

The Architecture Continuum
M4 S11, 12, 13, 14

Common Systems Architecture

Industry Architecture

Foundation Architecture

Organization Specific Architecture

Solutions Continuum
M4 S16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21-30

Common Systems Solutions

Industry Solutions

Foundation Solutions

Organization Specific Solutions