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How we learn (Retention (The hidden value of ignorance - The many…
How we learn
Spacing out - The advantage of breaking-up study time
Este mai benefic sa studiezi in mai multe reprize in zile diferite decat tot odata in aceeasi zi
Ca sa retii pentru 6 luni - 12 luni -> studiaza o data la 2 - 3 saptamani
Curs ES
Recomandarea de a studia materialele de la curs timp de 15 minute in fiecare zi
Periodicitatea cursurilor la 2 saptamani - are scopul de a te face sa retii informatia pe termen lung
Recomandarea de a scrie feedback-ul in mai multe zile nu doar marti
The hidden value of ignorance - The many dimensions of testing
Fluency illusion
Odata ce avem impresia ca stapanim un subiect nu simtim nevoia sa il studiem in continuare
Bjork principle
Desirable difficulty
The harder your brain has to work to dig out a memory the greater the increase in learning
Gates ratio
Devote 30-40% of time reading/ memorising and the rest of the time to recitation/ recall
Curs ES
Introducerea subiectelor de discutie prin adresare de intrebari
Vizionare video, notare individuala a ceea ce am retinut si apoi completare de catre grup
Ce am aplicat
Restructurarea notitelor asa cum ni le amintim dupa ce am studiat
Studiu acasa cu auto-testare
The effect of context on learning
Ce am aplicat
Sa iti cultivi bucuria si creativitatea cand te apuci de lucru
Rescrierea notitelor dupa curs
Curs ES
Meditatie inainte sa incepem cursul
Antrenamentul de mindfulness - aici - acum.
Follow-up dupa curs
The traditional advice
Develop a ritual
Daily schedule
A single place in time for study
Choose an area quiet and free of distractions
Recent research in psychology, neuroscience, and learning theory claims:
Each alteration of the context further enriches the skill being rehearsed by 40%
More accessible for longer periods of time
Make what you know increasingly independent of your surroundings
Different context means
Me( Internal)
Internal mental states
State of mind
Isn't HOW we do something part of the environment too?
What we see and hear
Having something going on in the study environment like music is better than nothing
Problem solving
Quitting before you're ahead
Curs ES
Follow-up Elisabeta la 3 zile dupa curs
Ce am aplicat
Ce am de rezolvat planific pe parcursul a cel putin 2 - 3 zile
Creative leaps often come during down-time that follows a period of immersion in a story of a topic
Interleaving as an aid to comprehension
The technique of interleaving
Mixing related but distinct material during study
Surround new material with older related material that you know but you have not visited in a while
Curs ES
Introducerea mai multor subiecte in acelas timp
Materialele de curs contin si slide-uri noi dar si slide-uri vechi
Ce am aplicat
Refacerea cursurilor pe subiecte pe care aparent le stim
The upside of distraction - The role of incubation in problem solving
Incubation brakes
Highly engaging activity
Longer incubation periods( 20 min) are better than short( 5 min)
Curs ES
Pauzele de 15 minute
Notiunile pe care le primim la curs nu sunt subiecte cap-coada ci sunt fragmentate pe perioade mai lungi de timp.
Ce am aplicat
Acelasi program de lucru la birou ca cel de la curs
Insight occurs across a number of steps:
A basic theory
Memory - the power of forgeting
Storage strength
Retrieval strength
Curs ES
Exercitii de ascultare activa urmata de autotestare si apoi testare impreuna cu grupul
Using memory alters memory for the better
Frecvent cursurilor si intinderea in timp
More practice sessions - > slower rate of forgetting
Principiul dificultatii dezirabile
Ce am aplicat
Rescrierea notitelor dupa curs
Learning happens best when driven by wonder and curiosity
Tapping the subconscious
The consolidating role of sleep
Sleep aids learning
Memory consolidation
Brain make connections during sleep that it does not do while awake
Critical role in storing, retention and flagging important memories
Making subtile connections = a new way to solve tricky problems
Sleep - learning with my eyes closed
Curs ES
Pauza de somn de dupa-masa
Ce am aplicat
Pauza de somn la birou
Program de 8-9 ore zilnic