A managed healthcare organization believes they suffer from over $30
million in preventable losses annually due to the readmission of
patients who are discharged from the hospital too soon. However,
keeping all patients in the hospital longer is costly and inconvenient to
patients. The organization has hired you to develop a model of
readmission risk that doctors can consider when determining when to
discharge a patient (if you find anything else in the data that helps
reduce readmissions, they will appreciate that too).
They want you to start by focusing on readmissions among their
diabetic patient population, and they have provided a dataset
(10kDiabetes.csv) from a large set of hospitals, including their own,
which describes admissions of this patient population. Predicted
readmission risks from the model are only useful if the doctors believe
in you and your model. To help the doctors gain trust, you have been
invited to create a presentation for the doctors. Sketch out the content
of this report or whitepaper. Focus on the conclusions and exhibits you
will show them to support those conclusions.