Strong...More Visual Word
Your STRONG preference for reading manuals, textbooks, articles, or documents is definitely one of your strengths. Exercise this
preference most of the time. This means that you may do well in e-learning environments, which are text oriented. When you close your
eyes, you tend to recall information by recreating the page in your mind and then seeing the words on the page. You find it easier to
remember what you hear in meetings, presentations, or lectures when handouts or overheads, in text form with a few graphics, are used.
While you are probably a note taker, this does not mean that you always reread your notes. It is the process of seeing the words on paper
while you are writing that increases retention of the material. You tend to do well in classroom environments in which there are reading
assignments or in e-learning environments that are text based.
It Depends...Tactual
It depends describes an element that essentially does not affect you. You are encouraged to utilize one of your strengths when learning
new and difficult information.
Integrated...Analytic / Global
You are centered between the analytic and global preferences and tend to process information using an INTEGRATED approach.
Integrated information processors can assimilate and process new information using either Analytic or Global qualities simultaneously.
This means that when you are assimilating new information, you use both preferences and you see both viewpoints more quickly.
Because of this, you often take on the role of an interpreter. For example: when an analytic and global are discussing information, it often
sounds like the individuals are speaking two different languages. When this occurs, you ask yourself, aren't they both saying the same
thing, just saying it differently? Because of your ability to use the analytic and global qualities interchangeably, you can help break the
"language" barrier by interpreting what you think is being said. This will help people move toward an agreeable understanding, which
reduces conflict and misunderstandings.
Your STRONG Reflective preference means that you prefer to think about and weigh all your options before making a final decision. Be
mindful of "analysis/paralysis". Like analytic and global, the brain possesses both reflective and impulsive qualities. Your highest quality
thinking occurs when you have time to think things through. Taking time to reflect not only improves how you understand and remember
new information, it increases the quality of your decisions. While you may not be the first to participate in meetings or group discussions,
you have well developed opinions and are willing to offer your input once the pieces fit together and make sense to you. Be aware that
when you think and analyze too much, "analysis/paralysis" often occurs. Consider whether shyness rather than the need to be reflective
influence your reflective preference. If so, focus on self-development to help you overcome your shyness.
You have a MODERATE preference for Sound when concentrating or learning new information. This means you are able to block out the
sound in your immediate surroundings, like people around you talking or the radio playing. Because sound does not bother you, you can
block it out to the point where you do not even hear it. When your immediate surroundings are too quiet, you become distracted.
Consequently, you may find yourself dozing off or becoming frustrated and irritable. When this occurs, stress increases and your ability to
concentrate diminishes.