Argh! I'm frustrated. I'm caught in this dilemma where I'm having to make a choice that goes totally against my instincts as a mother...
AND as an innovator in education...
and that is...
send my children to school.
What makes it worse is that my children are also feeling this dilemma, because although they've chosen to go back into secondary school they too know that this isn't what learning is about.
So if you are feeling what I am feeling I totally get it.
Instinctively you know that the school environment isn't right. Your child is coming home tired, bored, frustrated and angry. They are losing that spark that makes them 'them'. And they've abandoned any ownership of learning...and you...
...well you're feeling absolutely powerless and don't know where to head from here. Others may tell you 'well that's school you just have to get on with it.'
I'm here to tell you that simply isn't true. I want to share with you my framework, Lights On, that will empower you, as a parent, to make a difference in your child's education...
because although my children and I do get frustrated with aspects of the school culture, Lights On is empowering us to be actively involved in changing it.
Click the link below to find out how to join our Lights On community and how our membership can empower YOU and YOUR CHILD to take back ownership of their learning and switch all your lights well and truly back on.