Confirmation and Disconfirmation 5.2

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Confirmation is showing that acknowledge and accept this person.

This is not the same as rejection.

Disconfirmation is completing ignoring the persons presence or communication.


Derogatory words.


Racist language will emphasize the differences between cultures.

Saying that race is the reason we have social or economic problems.

Negative attitudes and beliefs.


Avoid the belief that just because they are gay they know what every person thinks of.

Avoid stereotyping.

Heterosexist language, terms that are used on gay men and lesbians.

Attitudes, behaviors that affect gay men and lesbians.


Avoid refreshing their memory.

Avoid saying relationships are not important.

Avoid talking down to someone who is older.

Engage in a conversation that you would both enjoy.

Is based off of age.


Avoid using the generic word "man".

Avoid sex role stereotyping.

Sexist language, is meant to put a person down and is mainly pointed at women.

Gender roles between men and women.

Cultural Identifiers

Affectional orientation: Gay and Lesbian.

Age and Sex: Elder, Senior, Girl, Boy, Man, and Woman.

Race and nationality, seeing how people would like to be identified.