The Role of Enterprise Architect

Purpose of research

Enable better interaction among each of the different roles as well as provide a basis for formulating the competencies required to perform the duties associated with the position

better understanding of the education, training, and experience necessary to acquire entry-level qualifications into the profession

the competence level of enterprise architects increases, it is speculated that enterprise architecture will provide a greater impact on improving organizational performance and achievement of the strategic vision


Emphasis on creating and exchanging knowledge that requires a new organizational model to replace the obsolete structures of the industrial age

Transforming government to meet the current and emerging challenges

Absence of clear definitions for the roles that influence architecture success, architects may be viewed as providing no specific value


Systems and enterprise architecture are similar enough disciplines that there need not be differentiation between them (Pavlak 2005a, b)

The skills required to practice systems architecture may be very different than those required to practice enterprise architecture (Dick et al., 2004)

Enterprise architect must seek to understand and articulate the capabilities the organization has as well as the capabilities required to implement the business strategy.

System architecture is normally a high level design for a specified need while EA provides flexible solutions to address ad hoc situations (Chorafas 2002)

several core roles of enterprise architects and categorized the competencies required for each. (Bredemeyer and Malan 2004)


change agent





supports enterprise leaders in establishing and promoting the best strategy to accomplish business goals and objectives

assists managers, analysts, systems architects, and engineers in understanding the details of the strategy sufficiently well to make decisions and execute the plan that leads to realization of the shared vision

participates in creating a shared vision, motivating members of the enterprise to aspire to achieving the vision, and providing clear direction regarding what is required to execute a strategy to accomplish goals and objectives that result in performance improvements

provides a representation of the relationships of enterprise components with sufficient detail and in the format needed to enable making necessary decisions to execute the strategic plan.

organizes the architecture team and ensures that adequate resources are secured to perform the architecture process

Enterprise Architect

creates the path from the present to the future for the enterprise by taking a holistic view of the enterprise and integrating the business plans with the technical capabilities

has the maestro view of the enterprise

aligning technology with the business goals and objectives by managing the complex set of interdependencies to communicate a common or shared vision of the strategic direction of the enterprise

analytical change management, communication, interpersonal, leadership, management, modeling and problem solving skills as well as business acumen and technical acumen


Change management is needed

able to facilitate the implementation of the target enterprise architecture

Communication skills are a critical

effective enterprise architect who must communicate concepts to people who are generally pragmatic in their thinking and struggle with understanding and expressing concepts

Leadership is needed

able to help create a vision that everyone is motivated to achieve and provide the guidance needed to make the vision achievable

modeling was identified

able to model reality in a naturally graphic manner with detailed drawings illustrating complex relationships.

categories of organizational positioning

administrative board of directors

financial management

information technology

operations management

strategic planning offices