The Under-Representation of Asian Americans in Mainstream Media


Content Creators aged 18-30 and Americans (in General, but definitely catered to Asian Americans) aged 6-30

I'm including young Asian Americans because I personally feel like a lot of Asian youth, like myself when I was younger, didn't really have a "hero" figure in mainstream media that they could really identify with.


To Content Creators: "Let's Make Heroes."

To Americans: (More or less) We're not like [insert nerdy immasculated sitcom character, insert whitewashed character a la Ghost in the Shell or Emma Stone in Aloha]. We can be [Insert Glenn Rhee, insert Superman or Captain America]


Out of 100 top-grossing films for 2014, 40 had no Asian characters.

Examples of "White-washed" roles in movies and television

Call To Action

Post on social media, tell the studios how you feel

To Content Creators: Let's Make Heroes


I want to include clips for my examples if possible (fair use ya knooooowwwwww??)

Definitely Humorous, a little tongue-in-cheek perhaps

In the version of this video that plays in my head, I drew inspiration from those infographic-y Vox and Buzzfeed shorts that pop up all over Facebook

I want to encourage (current and future) comic book artists, writers, filmmakers, television producers, etc. to make strong Asian leads.

"But mostly, Asian-Americans are invisible. Though they make up 5.4 percent of the United States population, more than half of film, television and streaming properties feature zero named or speaking Asian characters, a February report from the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism at the University of Southern California found. Only 1.4 percent of lead characters in a sample of studio films released in 2014 were Asian."