Event Management


Location is important for a Event Planner because if you have a good location then the venue will look good. Event planners must take into consideration whether the location is accessible to people whether this is from travelling by car, by train or even from abroad.

Setting up programme

It is important that the Event Planner creates a detailed time schedule for an event. This could include things like activities to be completed at the event on the day.

Current legal requirements

Event Planners need to ensure that they understand current laws to make sure that they don't break any. They need to make sure that they have the correct health and safety precautions such as risk assessments. As well as this they need to make sure that they have keep within the consumer protection law.


Making sure that you have the right location to do the event in is important for an Event Planner to consider. This is because you have to make sure that the venue has the right facilities that you will need in order to run the event successfully.

Setting up organisational procedures

Before an event takes place, the Event Planner needs to ensure that the correct procedures are set in place.

Planning and reserving facilities

Facilties are an important thing for Event Planners to consider as they can be wide ranging an in high demand. Some facilities that Event Planners may way to include and reserve are car parking, toilets, catering companies, cloakroom and Wi-Fi.


Event Planners will need to ensure that they have a contract drawn up between themselves and the people they are dealing with. This means that if the contract is broken then it protects the person from financial loss however if this did happen then it could cause problems in the event and may even ruin it.

Preparing and distributing documents

This is an important for an Event Planner to do as it helps people to know what is happening and where it is at. This could include, tickets, posters, name badges, programmes, feedback and thank you letters.


If an event needs to be catered for it is important that the Event Planner takes into consideration everyones needs. This will include things such as dietary requirements.

Risk Assessment

Event Planners need to ensure that they have completed a risk assessment which helps them to identify any potential things that could happen during the event. They need to put them into categories which assesses their severity, probability and what would happen in response to what could happen.


Security is another important thing that Event Planners need to take into consideration when planning an event. This could include things such as procedures incase their was a fire, the guests personal belongings and money.