New Media and Genders effect on Donald Trump's shocking defeat of Hillary Clinton.

Trump's Persuasiveness


Social Media


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Its use in politics should be held to the same standard that we want our representatives to be. If Trump can go to social media and say whatever he wants then it sets a bad precedent for how our representatives are supposed to be leaders

They can't ignore it anymore; they have to use it to inform constituents or to even just generate news

Increasing use social media and how candidates along with elected politicians must use it

How people view the news

Trump handling social media unconventionally

Focus groups

Popularity contest

Generating attention

Rust Belt States

White Male Vote

Leaders in business or politics

Natural Bias

Sexist comments made by Trump

Double Standard

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Anger with standard politicians

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Trump did research on what groups to target

Made convincing comments to those groups



The media covering every remark that Trump made

People spending so much time arguing about him that they gave him more of an audience

Fact vs. Fiction

The system needs reform

Clinton won popular election

Get out to vote and be accountable

Can't complain if you didn't vote

Voting is a privilege and it should be respected