My intended area of research is about graffiti , Street Art and Vandalism.
As an artist and as part of general public’s perspective i have enjoyed graffiti art works. Based on other general opinions some would agree graffiti is art and other would consider it is vandalism depending upon the content that is been displayed. Many individuals and group of people has been jailed for acting on graffiti art works for defacing public property. Artists like Banksy has been credited for bringing street art to galleries and he is known for his controversial art contents displayed in the public. They may look like vandalism at the first blush, but when people get to understand what is going behind the concept it turns out to be an art work in the street. Graffiti Art , which has gang related orgins and vandalism pockmarked reputation, was debuted as a festival in the Britain in 2013. Though this art form dint spread into vandalism across the city since the art works needs more of reasonable concepts and ideas. Phibs one of the famous Australian street artist Known of his fine art in Sydney and Melbourne. World wide experience suggest that prevention in terms of reducing graffiti and vandalism is best accomplished by not only substantially increasing the risk of capture of offenders but also by diverting motivation by involving young people, and the local community generally, in creative schemes to improve the environment.