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6 rules for faster comprehension (read more (read alot, atleast 3 evening…
6 rules for faster comprehension
read more
read alot
atleast 3 evening a week dedicated in a week
Min 1 book per week
2 or more hours session at a stretch
Learn to read for main ideas
Writers basic thinking than minor points
not on details but on ideas
while reading short short of novel
follow thread of the plot
find the conflict
skim whats not necessary , word to word sentence to sentence not required.
Challenge your comprehension
jump from novels to magazine or nonfiction reading
no intelectual growth by limiting yourself.
Budget your time
set goals to complete the things to read, particular time and particular chapters
Pace yourself
When you start a new book
read for 15 mins - for quick understanding
no of pages read in 15 mins* 4 = potential speed for the books
Develop habits of Immediate concentration
Sweeping through material purposefully looking for main ideas and broad concepts
if you read slower your mind will wander
ex: Slow reader picks up magazine for easy reading and keeps down becos mind wanders.